Chapter 26: Snow Storm

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"What's with the outfit-" Luke growled.

"I'm feeling fancy, not that you care" Delevio replied.

"You're right, I don't, but what I do care about is why you have me at gunpoint"

Delevio took a paper from her pocket and set it on the table, Luke saw how compelling the offer was. Greene offered to re-enroll him and Rico in the CIA with more autonomy, expunge his misdeeds, a promotion for both of them, and even a pardon from the president.

"Tyler misses you... You know that right?" Delevio said, "He hasn't been himself since you left"

"Who's Tyler..." Todd asked nervously.

"My son-" Luke replied, giving him a death stare, "Now shut the fuck up, as I said... I'll deal with you later"

"Hey uh I know I should just be quiet right now, but Luke... Your kids miss you, wouldn't you want to go and see them again, Delevio has been raising them for like the past few months. Your children need their father" Keyen said, the Umbreon hoped it would convince Luke to change his mind about what he was doing.

Luke started snickering, it turned into chuckling which then turned into laughter, it was like he had been told a joke. Delevio rubbed her face, she knew what was going to happen next.

"You backstab me... Fuck me over... Take everything from me... And then you expect me to join back into the CIA. And how am I supposed to know if there are no hidden strings attached to this deal? How do I know I'm not gonna be imprisoned or shot when I step back on US soil-"

"Shut up..." Delevio said, cutting him off, "No, everything Greene and I are promising you is real"

Keyen handed Delevio an iPad and she showed him a picture of a crate full of factory fresh toys (Weapons) that were meant for the brothers, "If you don't accept it then by all means, run, hurt yourself, hide in the shadows... Break your children's hearts"

When she said the last part, there was clear frustration in her voice. Luke groaned.

"No... That's final" Luke said.

Delevio sighed disappointed with Luke's answer, "Damn it Luke... The one chance you had, the one chance to end this shit..."

An ice cold beam shot from her paw at Luke knocking him off the chair, Tamara got a needle from her tactical belt and tried to stick Luke with it, the Lucario overpowered her and tossed her off of him, Tamara snarled and got back up but Luke had already ran out of the room. The Lucario ran as far as he could until he stopped to see Delevio in front of him, she was glowing, her eyes still flaming a shade of ice blue.

"You know... I discovered something interesting about my ancestry. I'm not just Italian, I'm also a quarter Swedish, legend had it that there were a group of Ice type Pokémon with super natural powers. They were the mightiest warriors in Sweden, stronger then the Vikings which they defeated in Norway... I am a descendant of one of those warriors... If you want to test me, go ahead, I'll turn you into an ice pop if I have to. Give yourself up... Now!"

"You'll have to drag my cold dead body back to DC, because I'm not going back alive!" Luke shouted.

Delevio opened her paw and an ice sword started to materialise in it, when the sword was ready she swung it around and pointed it at Luke.

"Fine... Have it your way-" She said.

The Lucario drew his katana and got into a fighting stance.

Winnipeg, Canada

The Mercedes came to a stop at a restaurant. the four of them were famished after another few hours of driving and London decided to treat them to something.

Agent London Flareon Volume 3 🇬🇧🇯🇵🇸🇪🇫🇷🇮🇪🇩🇪Where stories live. Discover now