Chapter 40: Cooking Up Trouble

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Ketster was breathing heavily. Moonlake without his Amulet was like a wild animal. Scratching and biting him and it was taking its toll on him. However, because of his ability, that being Endure, he wasn't totally out or the count.

Moonlake on the other hand was struggling the most, his primal and vicious bites and scratches had done quite a lot of damage to Ketster. However because of Ketster was a more experienced foe in terms of combat, he was have it worse. It was as if the little Eevees body was going to give out at any moment, but his relentlessness and desire to put Ketster in his place was stronger and that's why he refused to give up.

"I gotta hand it to you... Ngh... Your way of fighting is crude and primordial... But it is effective..." Ketster said.

Moonlake wiped the blood from his face and looked up at Ketster, the only emotion he felt was nothing short of unbridled fury, "I don't need your fake compliments-"

Then the two jumped at each other yet again. Still fighting with all they had left, punching and kicking each other while holding back no strength. From the room London and Isabel were in it was agony, they just had the feeling the little Eevee was going to lose... But would he?


Düsseldorf, Germany

Rico and Alexa arrived at Düsseldorf late at night. When they arrived, they immediately went to a safe place Alexa knew about, a flat in Düsseldorf-Unterblik.

"I was expecting something more on the run down side but this is amazing-" Rico said, the Lucario marveling at the modern apartment.

"I actually wanted to live in Germany once, but I never could make the plans to move here so I stayed in Yokohama-" Alexa replied, she set her bag on the coffee table and went to the lavatory, "I'm gonna take a shower"

"Go for it" Rico replied.

Alexa closes the door, Rico walks into the balcony and looks down at the city below him. It had been a while since he'd been to Germany, one of his greatest memories was actually when he went with Cairo and her band on their world tour and stopped in multiple cities in Europe, Düsseldorf being one of them. He smiled at the memory and sat down in one of the lounge chairs to take in the view of the city.

Not far away, however the CIA was lurking. Tetrahyde and her team were in a building not far from theirs watching them with binoculars.

"When did they arrive-" She asked.

"About 3 minutes ago" Daniella responded.

"What's the plan?" Hopps asked.

"We don't need one..." Tamara says with a smirk.

Hanging on the balcony below Rico was Waterlily. The Sylveon using her feelers to hold onto the metal support beams keeping the fence in place. A moment later Rico went inside and closed the balcony door behind him. Waterlily was holding onto her Pikachu friend as he was involved too. The Sylveon hoisted the Pikachu up and then herself.

Rico set a laptop down on the coffee table in the living room and entered the coordinates Nobita gave him. Sure enough the satellite image revealed an large structure in the area which was covered by a black square since it was a black site. There were barely any roads nearby so he assumed that there was some sort of dirt road or trail leading to the facility.

Waterlily and her partner peered inside as Rico continued to survey the area. Trees were covering most of the bunkers so he couldn't make out their locations. He growled quietly, he saw it was going to be quite the strenuous task to rescue Luke. He wasn't going to give up though, it was his brother after all and he was going to do anything he could to save him.

Agent London Flareon Volume 3 🇬🇧🇯🇵🇸🇪🇫🇷🇮🇪🇩🇪Where stories live. Discover now