Naked Angel Lands in Another World

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If I wasn't sure that I wasn't dreaming, I would never have believed this conclusion. After all, it was just too incredible.

I was now standing in a clearing in the middle of a forest. Just moments ago, I had been lying on the ground beneath my feet. Other than the surrounding lush trees and thick fallen leaves, there was nothing else around. Even the birds that had been chirping and fluttering around me just moments before had all flown away the instant I stood up.

I didn't know if this could be considered a good thing or not. After all, I didn't have a single piece of clothing on my body - I was completely "stark naked". And I couldn't find anything nearby that I could use to cover myself up with. So the reality was that I didn't even dare to glance down, or I would be overwhelmed with embarrassment.

What should I do now?

I couldn't just stand here motionless forever. At the very least, I had to find a place with people, right? Speaking of which, where exactly was this place?

Just as I thought I knew nothing about the current situation, I was shocked to discover that I seemed to know the name of this world.

This was... the Eldoria Continent.

This appeared to be the name of this world.

The name just floated up in my mind out of nowhere, but I was unable to recall any specific details or related information about it. It was as if fragments of memories that I didn't have before had suddenly popped up in my mind, disjointed and fragmented. I couldn't string them together into a complete chain at all.

I must have had this knowledge forcibly implanted into me. Recalling the sensation of having a huge amount of information suddenly surge into my brain, and then suddenly being able to understand the language of this world...

It really was mystical yet so convenient. I didn't know how it was accomplished.

And so I started trying hard to search my mind for all the knowledge about this world that I could find. But very little of it was useful. Most of the memories were incomplete, just useless scattered fragments. Still, I was able to sift out a few things that seemed like they could be useful.

For example, it seemed like I could hide my wings.

Then, following the steps in my memory, I tried it out...

It looked like I needed to manipulate some kind of light element?

Immediately, I intuitively understood what this so-called light element was. It seemed to be a kind of minuscule particle, yet also like a kind of strange aura. It gave me a feeling of warmth and tranquillity.

In any case, it was something I couldn't see with my eyes no matter how hard I looked. But I could sense it from my other senses - it was everywhere.

Especially concentrated around my own body, dense and clustered together.

It was a very mystical feeling...

Sure enough, in no time at all, my wings dematerialized into dots of light and disappeared without a trace. Fascinating! But there was one problem - it seemed I couldn't maintain this state for a prolonged period. And if my body became too weak, or I experienced intense emotions, the effect would also be lost.

There was another useful thing that seemed to be called Purification. Judging by the name, it should be a very handy skill. Unfortunately, no matter how I tried to follow the steps in my memory, I just couldn't get it to work successfully. No matter how hard I stared at my palm, there was no reaction at all. I suddenly felt like a fool.

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