Difference in Strength

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"That's because there are few who know light magic." Vivianne pulled me back to the "Ability Evaluation" sign while explaining to me.

"Compared to the other four types of magic, there are very few who know light magic, so there is not much demand for it."

But it shouldn't be that expensive, if the price is determined by demand it should be cheaper, right?

"But there is one specialty of those who know light magic. Basically, they only come from a few families, and they are all nobles..." After a long and complicated explanation by Vivianne, I finally understood.

In short, it is extremely rare for ordinary commoners to know light magic, to the point of once in a millennium. Those who know light magic generally appear in various noble families, whose earliest ancestors most likely rose to prominence precisely because of their talent in light magic. So now those who buy these books are basically all children of nobles, and they are not short on money, which is why the books are so expensive.

Right next to the bookstore, there were signs up recruiting students in magic learning, with fire, wind, earth, and water magics, but no signs for light or dark magic.

It seems like no one has ever mentioned dark magic, and I don't recall seeing any dark magic books in the bookstore either. Is the human world itself very repelled by dark magic?

But right now I don't have the mind to think about the issue of dark magic. Just the light magic alone is a headache for me.

"Then I have no way of learning light magic?" I asked Vivianne blankly. This price is practically unaffordable, even with Vivianne and the others' money.

"Actually there is another way..." Vivianne seemed to already have an answer to this question, "Go find Selene, maybe she can teach you."

"Selene?" I could understand her suggestion. Selene already knows light magic, it's normal for her True Church to have books on light magic.

"But the church probably wouldn't allow outsiders to learn their magic, right?" I voiced my thoughts.

"But you are an angel!" Vivianne directly pointed out the crux. "As long as you are willing to join their church, everything will be fine."

"Let's put that off for now."

While she had a point, when it comes to religious matters, I generally have no interest. If I had to join the church and chant prayers and hymns every day, I would dislike it.

Seeing my reluctance, Vivianne didn't say anything more. She and Brennan were also not fans of the True Church.

Just then the door of the testing room opened and Nicola walked out.

"How was it?" We immediately gathered around her.

"Not bad!" As usual Nicola handed the card in her hand to us.

"Looks like you did pretty well."

Seeing her relaxed, I muttered and glanced down at the card.

"Fifth Order?"

I was truly shocked by this score. It's too much! We are both four-winged angels, why is there such a huge difference!

"It really is Fifth Order!"

Vivianne who came over to take a look was also extremely excited. She had been judging our strength according to the number of wings, so she thought we should both be Fourth Order. Who knew one was higher and one lower, she didn't guess right for either.

Ethereal Ascendance: A Journey of Transformation(1-3VOL)Where stories live. Discover now