Vol 2/Chapter 59: Nicola Got Married?

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"So the key factor is the observer? But you didn't tell us..."

I concluded with frustration.

"There's no way. It involves too much..."

Twelve-winged Nicola gave me an apologetic smile, then suddenly slapped her forehead.

"I almost forgot! You guys hurry and move thirty meters to the side!"

She then gestured for all of us, including Eleanora and Haiden who had just finished treatment and ran over out of curiosity, to retreat.

"What's going on?"

Eleanora and Haiden had only arrived shortly after the battle ended, so they were confused not only about the earlier conversation regarding time, but also about what had happened during the fight itself.

"You'll see," I said mysteriously, then pulled Eleanora back as far as possible.

When we had retreated to a safe spot and waited about another minute, twelve-winged Nicola took out her portable magic pocket watch, counted down the numbers and shouted:

"3, 2, 1—"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Next, we saw terrifying arcs of flame sweeping across the spot where we had just stood, lasting about a minute. When it finally stopped, the ground was left with countless wide, long craters and even fissures.

"What...what's this?"

Eleanora and Haiden's faces turned pale. We could vaguely see numerous large holes punched through the cliffs kilometers away on the opposite mountainside, with bright light shining through from behind.

In fact, not just them, the rest of us were also breaking out in cold sweat. If hit by that...

"That was the attack Michelle unleashed on us just now!"

Twelve-winged Nicola explained lightly, then walked over to where Michelle had been and waved at us.

"I can't quite remember what happens next... Who wants to complete this last step?"

"Of course it's me! I said I would personally fix her!"

Six-winged Nicola eagerly strode forward with her Condensation Sword raised. Following the other Nicola's guidance, she stabbed her sword towards another Condensation Sword erected before her. Strangely, her blade seemed to penetrate into thin air, as if blocked by something invisible, before suddenly disappearing from view. When it reappeared, it was already bloody and the entire blade had turned crimson, even giving off flames continuously.

"Done! My rescue mission is now complete!"

After nodding at her past self, twelve-winged Nicola tilted her head and asked:


"Five stars! As expected of me!"

Six-winged Nicola gave her a big thumbs up unreservedly.

"But with what you said earlier, we probably won't see each other again after this."

"Not necessarily. Don't you remember who blasted Michelle away just now?"

Twelve-winged Nicola winked at her and reminded.

"Ah...that me watching the show?"

Six-winged Nicola immediately recalled the farcical scene that had occurred.

"You're leaving?"

Seeing twelve-winged Nicola seeming to settle her affairs, I suddenly felt anxious.

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