Vol3/ Chapter 44: Falling Asleep

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"You should try it. Rules aren't that hard to learn. If you teach her, she might find it fun and naturally be willing to play with you," I continued persuading. After all, Nicola and I won't always have time, and Reed is even less available. So we must find someone to take over.

"Really?" Cyra sounded doubtful after hearing me out.

"Norma is so serious all the time. She never jokes around. Are you sure she'll be interested?"

"Even if Norma doesn't work out, there are other servants here in the Tivi Palace! Think about how many angels and light elves there are. There must be someone suitable for you. "

I suddenly realized this idea could work. There have been quite a few bored angels recently. Having another recreational activity can't hurt, right?

"That's true..." Cyra thought about it and nodded in agreement. She immediately ran out to find Norma without hesitation.

"Finally got that done..." I breathed a sigh of relief after seeing her off, suddenly feeling a little tired. I plopped down on the bed.

Beside me were the unfinished magic books I had read earlier. I struggled internally for a while before deciding to return them to the library while I was there anyway.

It wasn't that I couldn't understand them or had mastered all the magic in them. The truth is, the few magic books I borrowed from the library recently have been quite useless for me.

The books were full of magical incantations, chanting methods, and techniques to simplify spells and shorten chanting time. They offered limited help to me. I didn't even know if I should keep reading them.

According to the book Introduction to Spell Pronunciation, different pitches and combinations can guide the elements in the body in different directions. But in practice, I found it was not that simple at all. If the tones were even slightly off or I accidentally lost focus during the chanting, the elements would immediately lose direction and disperse entirely. I'd have to start over from the beginning.

So I have to learn to sing first before I can learn magic?

When I practice enunciating every day, I always feel like I'm doing something wrong. Why do I have to force myself to follow the book's instructions, awkwardly going "yada yada" all day without knowing how useful it is? The progress is slow and torturous.

But if I don't chant the full incantation, there's no way to know the full effect of the spell. Anything moderately complex requires long, incomprehensible incantations that must be read out smoothly in one go to work. It's basically like learning an obscure foreign language.

And don't get me started on mid to high-level magic. Simple low-level spells are usually a few dozen to a few hundred words long. Mid-level ones reach a few thousand words, while high-level magic has at least ten thousand words or more. As a result, one thick high-level spell book can only contain one or two spells, with most of its length devoted to convoluted, meaningless incantations.

In the end, the tutorials in magic books are largely designed for humans. Although Aetina said angels use chanting either to get familiar with new magic or as an aid for high-level spells.

But for a newborn angel like me who can't even read the incantations, it took me several days just to self-learn half the pronunciation. I still have a long way to go before I can recite the full spells. It would be much easier to learn from a teacher.

At least Aetina teaches elemental manipulation methods directly in class, along with demonstrations. I can learn on the spot.

"That's it!" I slapped my forehead, suddenly thinking of a compromise. Since the bottleneck is with the incantations, why not skip them entirely?

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