Vol 3/Chapter 2: The Truth Behind the Breakup

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"I'll come back to see you all as soon as I can."

I reluctantly bid Adrian and Selene goodbye as I watched Serena and some of the other angels fly straight up into the sky. Then I turned to face Alfread's group.

"Thank you all. If you hadn't taken Selene and me weaklings in, we might never have made it back," I said emotionally, realizing this could be the last time I'd see them.

"Hey! I'm not a weakling!" Selene protested annoyedly.

"The only true weakling here is you, still only 3rd rank! I can't believe an angel's rank is lower than mine."

"How did you know about that?" I exclaimed in shock, horrified that my shameful 3rd rank status had been exposed to everyone.

Had Adrian or Alfreed told her? But when I looked at them questioningly, they both shook their heads to indicate they had nothing to do with it.

"We've known for a while already!" Eleanora couldn't help but speak up.

"We heard everything clearly from upstairs that night you were talking to the Captain."

"Huh?" I was stunned again. I'd thought I hid it so well, but apparently my secret was blown from the start!

"Then why didn't you say something earlier..." I asked in confusion.

"Because we never actually thought you were only 3rd rank!" Hayden replied matter-of-factly.

"Eleanora and I were always wondering if the examiners from that Association made a mistake. No 3rd rank could have escaped from two level 5 monsters surrounding them."

"Plus you later fought and defeated that level 5 succubus with us, and even saved everyone. Although that situation was a bit special..." Eleanora chimed in supportively.

Hearing her perspective, I suddenly realized they had a point. Looking back, my battle record did seem quite impressive after all.

"Feliciana, have more confidence in yourself! You're not weak, and you'll become stronger in the future!" Alfreed encouraged me. I felt touched as Adrian also smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Humph, since Captain Alfreed says so, I guess I'll reluctantly admit you're slightly more capable than I imagined," Selene grudgingly conceded, turning her head to the side.

She seemed almost tsundere about it. I couldn't help smiling a little as I sincerely told everyone again, "Thank you..."

"The others are waiting for us in the sky," Nicola whispered, reminding me.

"Oh right!" I quickly followed behind her as we flew up into the sky. I waved down at the others as all the angels accompanied me upwards.



"You look quite emotional, are you crying?" Nicola teased with a smile, flying alongside me.

"No way!" I hurriedly dabbed at the corners of my eyes but didn't find any tears.

"You tricked me!"

"Ha... Actually I've known about your self-esteem issues since high school," Nicola quickly changed the subject, turning to face the front.

"Huh? How does even you know about it..." I was speechless again. I didn't even understand these issues myself, so how did it seem like everyone was just watching my embarrassment daily?

"Because you often came to school covered in bruises and wounds, especially in summer. It was obvious to the whole class you'd been beaten by your parents again. Lots of classmates even made fun of you for it, don't you remember?"

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