Leaving the forest

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"So you're saying dark elves and light elves can convert into each other?" I felt very amazed. I couldn't help but glance at the dark elf girl again, imagining what she would look like as a light elf.

"In theory, yes. But in reality, it's not so simple because the amount of light or dark essence needed is extremely massive. So generally, few can afford so much resources." Selene didn't completely reject my conjecture either.

"But Nicola is different. As an embodiment of light essence, only an angel like you can effortlessly transform a dark elf into a light elf." As she spoke, she looked at Nicola reverently again and suggested in a very caring tone:

"But in the future, you shouldn't use this method recklessly. Although an angel's light essence is almost immeasurable, consuming large amounts of light essence is still very taxing on the body."

Alright, I noticed Selene's flattery is getting more and more excessive. That said, aren't I an angel too? How come she has never shown such reverence to me?

"So you mean to let her come with us?" Brennan spoke up at this point, having keenly grasped Selene's implication - neither kill nor release, so the only option is to keep her close.

"I disagree! Bringing a dark elf on the road will not just slow us down but also attract a lot of trouble."

"It's not so serious. Elves are still quite accepted by the public, unlike demons and other dark creatures." Adrian mulled for a bit, seeming to disagree and felt it wasn't entirely unfeasible. "Even as a dark elf, as long as she doesn't draw too much attention, there shouldn't be big issues in cities."

"But I think the main thing is to see what she wants."

Saying so, Adrian looked towards the dark elf girl sitting quietly nearby and asked:

"What's your name? Your dark elf clan should all have names right?"

"Irene," she answered softly, seeming significantly less hostile now.

"Irene, so you understand right? You can't go back now. Even if we let you kill Nicola and run back, your former comrades will still shun you. So are you willing to come with us? We should be able to entrust you to the light elf clan."

"I don't believe you! You're all in it together!" Irene couldn't immediately accept this reality. To her, living with her former comrades was almost her entire life, since that's how she grew up.

"We're not deceiving you. You should also realize your own condition now with your weakened powers. And your strength will continue declining to about a normal human's level eventually. By then, even if you become a light elf, all your former comrades will not let you off when they see you." Selene's words completely dashed her last hopes.

"I...I don't know either."

Awakened by this, Irene panicked a little, starting to realize she was now homeless. But still too young, she didn't know what to do for the moment. It was unrealistic to expect her to immediately accept the enemy's goodwill, so we could only take it slowly.

"Think it over yourself first," Adrian said, not pressing her further. Then he turned and asked Selene, "Does your Church know where light elves gather?"

"We do," Selene immediately answered. "In fact, there's a hidden light elf settlement in Norvale, under the Church's management."

"That works well then. We can entrust her to your Church right?"

He seemed to have a good impression of the Church's reputation.

"Of course, the Church is very willing to help races like elves too, since they are skilled in various magics and occasionally help with tasks."

Ethereal Ascendance: A Journey of Transformation(1-3VOL)Where stories live. Discover now