Vol 3/ Chapter 80: Edenmere Nuked

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"So we've reached an invincible place, haven't we?"

Upon hearing this, Cyra finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's a pity that Michelle can also fly, otherwise we could have trapped her in here."

But before her words fell, a violent explosive sound came from above our heads, accompanied by Michelle's furious warning that could be heard throughout the forest.

"Feliciana, Elara! If you don't come out, I'll burn down this forest! If the fire doesn't kill you, the smoke will choke you to death! That would be far more painful than being stabbed by my sword."

She was as good as her word. Before long, we saw many branches and leaves above us catch fire.

"What should we do? I almost forgot her nickname is the Goddess of Fire. These trees can't withstand it at all!"

I suddenly felt a little panic. It was hard to say whether the angels would be smoked to death. After all, they needed to breathe too. Moreover, with the trees burned down, there would be nowhere left to hide.

"At least you can rest assured for now!"

Elara seemed much calmer about this. As she looked at the flames above, she explained to us:

"These are Glorious Trees that have been specially bred over thousands of years. They are very compatible with the light element and won't be destroyed so easily by fire."

Sure enough, the fire soon began to diminish gradually before extinguishing silently.

"Then there's nothing to worry about. Since the trees won't burn, we don't need to be afraid either."

Seeing this, Cyra waved her hand and completely relaxed. But I still had some concerns, because I vividly remembered how she had destroyed a vast forest in an instant before.

"Humph, you think you can trouble me with these weird trees?"

Michelle's voice rang out again, but this time not from above. It sounded a bit lower, as if she had descended into the maze.

"Let me show you the power of the Goddess of Fire!"

With a tremendous "boom", a row of tree trunks forming a "wall" in front of us collapsed. At the same time, they began to burn violently.

It was not just these few trunks. Through the fallen "wall", we could see that there was a world of flames beyond, with the very air turned red and distorted. The scene looked even more dramatic than the inside of a smelting furnace.

We of course saw Michelle in the middle of the "furnace". Fortunately, she had her back facing us and had not noticed our location yet.

"Still not coming out?"

"In that case, I'll increase the temperature and range even more! Absolute power renders all tricks meaningless!"

"How can this be? Her flames are so powerful they can even burn down Glorious Trees, which have almost half the light elements of angels' bodies!"

This time Elara had completely miscalculated. Michelle's strength far exceeded her expectations. Now the only thing she could do was to lead us in a continued escape.

"Wait a moment!"

Unexpectedly, Cyra made a hand gesture to stop Elara from swooping over to carry her away. She then rushed forward quickly, took out something from her pocket and tossed it towards the high-temperature zone.

"I've wanted to do this since hearing her threaten to burn down the forest, but never had the chance until now..."

"What did you throw?"

Ethereal Ascendance: A Journey of Transformation(1-3VOL)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora