Vol 2/Chapter 50: Another Misunderstanding Sparked by That Night

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"Are you sure she knows how to activate the device? And will really start the teleportation after we leave?" Selene asked doubtfully.

"Definitely. How big could the room in that tower be? With just the three demons, could they really hide anything from each other? Moreover, Claudia herself said that Camille is an important figure, so she would know about it even more surely."

This time, without Adrian answering, I could come up with the response myself.

"Now that the most powerful one among them, Claudia, is dead, only Camille is left. She would do nothing and would definitely go to notify their goddess Michelle. Since Claudia previously said their god was personally overseeing the battle, she's likely on the Astral Realm kingdom's side now."

Saying this, I suddenly realized a serious problem.

"But this way, we might directly face that Goddess of Flame. Are you sure we can escape from her?"

No matter how highly Adrian boasted about me before when I lost consciousness, it's basically impossible to rely on that.

"If we want to avoid the Goddess of Flame in a short time without delaying the teleportation back to the kingdom, there are still some ways."

Adrian had solutions even for such problems? I couldn't help but doubt it a little.

"Really?" We asked in unison.

"Uh... we just need to lure the Goddess of Flame to this side of the Dark Continent, while we teleport over there at the same time."

Seeing our reactions, Adrian answered helplessly.

"Just doing this much isn't difficult, but after that, things might not go so smoothly... She might catch up to us again..."

"As long as we can do it, we'll deal with her after getting back!" Selene interrupted and said impatiently. Hearing we were so close to going home, she couldn't hold back her excitement anymore.

"That's right! The kingdom's side still has armies against the demons. Even if that Goddess of Flame is powerful, she may not necessarily be a match for our troops combined."

Eleanora and Hayden also voiced their agreement. Having been here longer than us, their hometown longing was even stronger.

"Is it really okay?" I looked worriedly at Adrian beside me. The method he mentioned was quite simple after some thought, I could come up with it too. But having provoked this goddess now, it didn't seem we would be safe after returning either.

"Hopefully..." Adrian forced a bitter laugh.

"Mainly depends on how far we can escape after going back, and how long it takes for the Goddess of Flame to discover we're no longer on this side."

"It was so hard to finally find a way home, yet we still can't escape from danger." I thought carefully for a while but couldn't come up with a foolproof countermeasure, so I could only dejectedly say.

"It's alright, I'll try my best to stall them." Seeing my mood, Adrian spoke to comfort me.

"What can you do..." He was only 4th class too, even if this Goddess of Flame wasn't as horrifying as I imagined, it shouldn't be something he could withstand either, right?

"Hey! Did you guys forget about me?" Nicola, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly cut in dissatisfiedly.

"With me here, and the celestial weapon of Condensation Sword ! I'll just directly hack that damn Goddess of Flame to death."

"That's the god of all dark creatures!" I looked at Nicola speechlessly, not expecting her to be so rash and hurriedly reminded:

"You couldn't even beat Claudia. How could you possibly defeat Michelle?"

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