Vol 3/Chapter 6: Meeting with Elara

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"Haha...don't worry! None of us have joined the True Church."

I wiped the cold sweat from my brow and quickly clarified. I knew that the archbishop from the Preston Cathedral had nearly succeeded in tempting me to join.

"That was lucky for you!"

Casey wholeheartedly agreed at this time, with an extremely unhappy expression.

"You probably haven't encountered it yet. I saw the scenes of the followers pulling people into the church with Lady Serena. It's simply fraud! All kinds of tricks like discounts and promotions in every city, and the last time a sister who was new to the outside world almost ran to fill out a church membership form because she liked a free gift. Fortunately I stopped her!"

"Really? Is it that exaggerated?"

Nicola had never been to St. Maria Avenue, so he had not yet witnessed the recruiting tactics of the church in this world. His impression of the True Church was still stuck in the Earth.

"Your thinking is very dangerous!"

Casey educated us with a heavy heart.

"It's people like you who are ignorant of the ways of the world that they deceive. You should know that we angels are like honeybread to the True Church. Those believers would be happy to grab us back as mascots."

"We understand, we understand!"

Listening to this, I was sweating profusely and quickly agreed.

"But I think these recruiting methods are quite creative?"

At this moment, Cyra had finished praying. Hearing Casey's warning, she couldn't help but give her opinion.

"As long as there is no coercion or deception, then no matter what method is used, as long as the goal of voluntarily joining and increasing the number of believers is achieved, it should be fine. Moreover, widely spreading the gospel of God is something the Lord would like to see, I believe."

"You...you're hopeless!"

Casey was so angry her face turned blue. She turned and walked down the hallway.


The remaining four-winged angels looked at Cyra somewhat puzzled and asked,

"Are you sure you have no connection with the holy angels of the Church?"

"I really don't!"

As expected, this scared Cyra again.

"I beg you not to associate me with that holy angel again. I'm not her and not the Lord's wife, let alone the founder of the Church. I...I want to change my name!"

"You are hopeless. You don't even have the determination to devote yourself to your God..."

Nicola hit rock bottom by patting her on the shoulder and shaking his head as he walked away.

"She probably feels that using this name profanes that holy angel Cyra."

Seeing Cyra looking rather pitiful, I couldn't help but speak up for her.

"Actually, it would be much easier if you just separated the religions here. Think of them as two different True Churches."

"But it's not that easy..."

Nicola said somewhat helplessly.

"These two churches seem too similar to clearly distinguish between them. Besides, even if you forcibly distinguish between them, the True Church on Earth does not exist in this world. What about her as the only believer?"

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