Dispelling Magic

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It was a relief to see another living person. I finally breathed a sigh of relief, fearing that a horde of zombies would rush out the moment we opened the door.

"I'm a priest sent by the capital."

Selene took off the cross necklace from her neck and handed it to the person. I saw a faint glow emanating from the cross, and the person immediately confirmed our identity, letting us in.

"It's really you. You've finally come! The Lord must be watching over us."

The nun closed the door with an excited expression, shaking hands with Selene. I could see tears welling up in her eyes.

"What's going on?"

Selene furrowed her brow, subtly pulling her hand back.

"I didn't see anyone on the streets outside, and the situation here seems abnormal."

Upon entering, we found a simple church hall with a few worn-out benches scattered around. The decorations were no different from the capital's church, just on a smaller scale.

"I'm Sister Hila, and the strange illness here is getting worse. Most of the town's people have fallen ill..."

As Sister Hila explained the situation while leading us to an inner room, I began to realize the severity of the situation.

"Even our parish priest, Lord Simon, fell ill yesterday. Now, no one knows how to cure this disease. We're helpless, so we have to rely on outside help."

Is the situation really that bad? I saw Selene's expression becoming more serious.

We soon arrived at what seemed to be a resting room. Hila opened the door, revealing a dark room illuminated only by a candle on the table. In the dim light, I could vaguely see a figure lying on the bed.

"Lord Priest, people from the capital have come. We're finally saved."

Hila rushed in excitedly, helping the District Priest sit up.

"Is this disease contagious?"

I couldn't help but ask, seeing her entering the room without any protective measures.

"I'm not sure." Hila shook her head.

"We initially implemented isolation measures, but it was useless. People outside continued to fall ill one after another, with no difference from before isolation."

So, it's not a contagious disease? But I can't say that for sure; what if the isolation wasn't effective.

While contemplating this, Selene confidently reached a conclusion.

"It won't spread."

Having examined the district priest's body after entering, she turned to me and said, "It's clearly a symptom of dark contamination."


I walked into the room and looked at the patient on the bed. Even without getting close, I could sense the presence of dark elements in his body.

Although the odor was still faint, it was distinguishable.

"Who are you?"

District Priest Simon, just waking up from a daze, looked at us with suspicion. He seemed quite old, at least over 60 in my eyes. Despite appearing weak, his complexion seemed healthier than before.

"They are people sent by the Preston Cathedral in the capital," Hila reiterated the introduction, and when asked for specific names, Selene spoke first.

"I am Priest Selene, sent specifically to investigate this matter. And she..."

She glanced back at me.

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