Vol 3/Chapter 13: Misunderstanding

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"The top student probably won't come even if you drag her here. She just likes reading books and doing experiments. Now she's also practicing martial arts! She's not interested in other recreational activities at all."

Cyra pouted, feeling that there was no way Reed would agree to come.

"No way! Although Reed is eccentric and not good at communicating, she will definitely come!"

I shook my head, recalling Reed's appearance at the previous reunion, sitting alone in the corner reading a book, not wanting to talk to her classmates at all. This should be an illusion.

"If she was completely uninterested in interacting with her classmates, why did she come to this reunion in the first place? Otherwise, she wouldn't have ended up crossing over into this world."

"Feliciana is right. We aren't hungry anyway, there's no hurry. Let's find Reed first before eating together."

Hearing my words, Nicola also nodded in agreement.

"What time do you guys close?"

I walked over and habitually asked the little girl. She had no wings behind her back. Seeing her pointy ears, she should not be an angel who had folded her wings, but a light elf.

"We don't close here! Did you forget, Your Angelness? All stores in Edenmere are open 24 hours. You can come for a meal anytime."

The light elf answered us very respectfully.

"Oh, sorry..."

I suddenly remembered there was no night here, so it made sense they didn't close.

But don't these light elves still need to sleep like angels? I just don't know what their work hours would be like. Based on my experience, they probably work in shifts.

"So we still have to wait a while to eat?"

Cyra asked disappointedly, staring longingly at the food on the tables of other customers in the hall, involuntarily swallowing.

"You can't get hungry anyway. Why are you acting like you haven't eaten for days..."

Seeing her like that, I felt it was a bit of an overreaction.

"I haven't eaten for a month..."

Cyra said pitifully.

"Even if I'm not hungry, not having anything to eat for so long still makes me crave food..."

"Alright, fine. I'll buy you a chicken leg first to curb your appetite. Don't eat too full or you won't be able to finish your meal later."

Nicola looked helpless as she casually glanced at the menu. Although most were Western-style dishes, she still found roasted chicken legs in the corner. But that chicken leg was quite expensive, costing several dozen silvers.

"Wow! Thank you so much! You're like my rebirth parent!"

As soon as Cyra heard, she happily shouted and tried to pounce over to hug Nicola.

"No need... Save your hugs for your Lord."

Nicola didn't know whether to laugh or cry as she pushed Cyra away.

"Tastes good?"

Walking on the road, seeing Cyra wolfing down the oily chicken leg with her mouth dripping oil, I felt it looked a bit weird. Because Nicola grabbing her wing earlier looked almost like how she was gobbling down that drumstick.

"Not bad... so-so..."

Cyra swallowed the last bite of meat into her belly and wiped the oil from her mouth.

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