Vol 3/ Chapter 92 - Galadra

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"So you just sold Edenmere like that?"

I wasn't too surprised after hearing this. Michelle's actions were typical - a pretentious show-off, which fits my impression of her.

"We had an agreement! Michelle had no interest in taking Edenmere. She agreed to help me defeat you. Afterwards, she would lead the demons to withdraw from Edenmere, while I would take over and lead all the angels to retreat from the conflicts in Eldoria Continent."

Although answering my question, Yvonne was speaking to Elara, seemingly not as fanatic as Janet's betrayal, and hadn't forgotten her original goal as a conservative.

"What makes you so sure Michelle would keep her promise?"

Elara asked bitterly.

"Because she is the 'Fire Angel'!"

Yvonne emphasized the title again.

"Elara, you should know very clearly the relationship between the Fire Angel and the two founders of our angel clan..."

"Of course, I know. But so what! The Fire Angel isn't our founder after all. Now that she stands against the angels, there's no need to discuss this further!"

The two started arguing. Elara waved her hand and reiterated:

"All I want to know now is how you got to the Dark Continent behind my back?"

"It doesn't matter if she doesn't say. I roughly guessed it already."

Seeing Yvonne's nonchalant attitude, I couldn't help but say:

"The only way to travel from Edenmere to the Dark Continent without you noticing is 'teleportation'."

"That was your method before, right?"

Although not 100% certain, I was quite confident, showing the 'button' in my palm to Yvonne.

"How did you know?"

Indeed, seeing the 'button', she was startled and blurted out:

"If I'm not wrong, you weren't the first angel to betray. Otherwise, you wouldn't have gotten this."

I continued probing, wanting to hear her admit who gave it to her, although I already had a guess.

"So Janet was also caught by you guys? With the 'Eye of Galadra' she still couldn't escape..."

Yvonne's expression changed, her gaze falling to the ground behind us, where their belongings were.

"She's dead! Just a while ago."

Elara sighed and corrected her.

"The angel clan already has a small population. Yet you still mess around like this. Do you think you've done right to the Founders?"

"Stop pretending, Elara! Janet may not know, but Michelle already told me! Although the Founders' true names were lost over tens of thousands of years with several rumours, as Elara you must know! Yet you never wanted to reveal it."

Yvonne sneered and glanced around at us.

"It's because of reincarnation right? You know very well where reincarnation is! Perhaps deep down you're afraid. Afraid that the Founders who created the angel clan have mingled with the demons! Michelle's existence proves this..."


Elara rudely interrupted her, seemingly struck a nerve and reacted anxiously.

"Haha, so what! Are you afraid to tell these lovely juniors what 'Galadra' in the 'Eye of Galadra' actually refers to?"

Ethereal Ascendance: A Journey of Transformation(1-3VOL)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora