Combat Test

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After the previous person finished their test and left, the staff finally opened the big door in front of me and let me in.

Inside was a spacious circular training arena. A muscular middle-aged man was sitting shirtless behind a table near the entrance, writing something.

I heard the door close behind me. Hearing someone enter, the middle-aged man put down his pen and looked at me, then held out a hand.

"Ah..." I immediately understood and handed him the card I had been clutching.

"What a cute little girl... Angel? Are you sure?" The middle-aged man was smiling at first without paying much attention, but the moment he saw my card, he immediately frowned.

"Impersonation will get you blacklisted from the Association, you know."

"Yes, that's right." Hearing this, I quickly nodded to confirm, and at the same time, unfurled the two pairs of wings on my back that I had been concealing.

"A four-winged angel... I didn't know angels could hide their wings?" The middle-aged man seemed shocked, as if it was his first time seeing an angel like me.

"Well, let's begin then."

With my identity confirmed, he didn't waste more words either. He stood up and led me to the edge of the training arena.

"I'm Wozwal Hus your chief examiner, a level 6 swordsman."

He pointed to the rows of weapon racks around us filled with various weapons.

"You can choose any weapon here as you wish, and attack me in any way, including magic. As long as you can beat me, it will prove you have reached level 6. If you think my skills are lacking, you can request a higher level examiner..."

As he went through the standard procedural introduction, he walked towards the center of the arena and stood there, waiting for my next move.

"You have 5 minutes for the test."

After listening to all the instructions, I went straight to the weapon rack and drew out a longsword. Although the only weapon I had used before was Nicola's Condensation Sword, this was still the most familiar to me here.

"Let's begin then..." Seeing me choose a weapon and stand before him, Wozwal had initially been empty-handed, but after some thought, he also ran back and took a longsword from the weapon rack.


The corner of my mouth twitched. I wanted to tell him there was no need to be so cautious. I was quite clear about my abilities after all this time. There was absolutely no way I could harm a level 6 swordsman. I guessed even Nicola probably couldn't do it without her Condensation Sword.

Actually, when I first entered, I was very nervous. After all, before transmigrating, I had never even fought before, let alone an actual combat test against such a powerful master.

Fortunately, I had some battle experience previously and had just advanced to four wings recently, so my strength had increased a lot. Now the weight of the longsword in my hand was almost negligible, which gave me a bit more confidence.

I quietly wiped the sweat from my palms. Anyway, since I didn't know any sword skills, I took a deep breath, lifted the longsword with one hand, and without further ado, slashed at my opponent.

"Not bad! That strength has indeed surpassed mid level 4." Wozwal easily parried my slash, evaluating while smoothly counterattacking with a backhand sword strike.

Seeing this, I immediately retreated one step, barely avoiding his counter.

"Hmm...reactions and speed are decent too."

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