Vol 3/Chapter 42 - The Familiar Stranger

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"Are there any magic competitions? Since this is a tournament, magic should also be involved right?"

I asked unwillingly. I can't do anything if the martial arts battles are not exciting to watch, but magic competitions would surely be much cooler.

"I think there are...wait!"

Cyra pondered briefly before descending rapidly to the ground.

In addition to the fighting ring in the middle of the Triumph Plaza, the edges of the plaza were also filled with angels standing in neat rows and queues. At the front were tables that looked like registration counters.

"The 2nd Edenmere Tournament?"

After reaching the ground, I noticed this huge banner erected right in the middle of the plaza. Below it was a notice board that probably listed details about the various competitions, according to Cyra.

"The magic competitions only start tomorrow night. Today is mainly some martial arts contests."

Cyra shouted at me from afar while pointing at the notice board. With so many angels on the ground, it was very noisy.

"I see it!"

I shouted back equally loudly. Although we were quite far apart, my vision had improved tremendously after becoming an angel. I could see the words on the noticeboard from this distance.

It seemed like the tournament had been going on continuously for more than a day. The notice showed that the martial arts competitions were held first, followed by the magic competitions. But it didn't end there. At the very end were the highlights - the comprehensive ability contests.

"Aren't you that legendary newborn angel, Feliciana?"

Just as I was focusing my attention on the notice board, I suddenly heard someone talking to me. Turning my head, I saw a six-winged angel whom I didn't recognize.

"You are...?"

I asked curiously. In Edenmere, apart from a handful of acquaintances, I had no interactions with other angels. It was very rare to see an unfamiliar angel actively approach and even call out my name like this. Many angels around us turned their heads when they heard her words.

"I'm Aria. You may not know me but I've heard a lot about you."

Seeing my puzzled look, this six-winged angel quickly introduced herself. Like Reed, she also had short, neat hair which made her stand out sharply among the angels with long hair everywhere.

"Huh?! I can't believe I'm that famous!"

I was pleasantly surprised to hear the words "heard a lot about you" from her and didn't know how to respond at first.

"Of course! Recently there have been rumors circulating all over Edenmere about two lost newborn angels who returned from the outside world and reached six wings within just one month. It's simply unimaginable talent. And very recognizable too, one has grayish-white hair while the other has blue hair. So both of you are already celebrities."

Aria explained breezily with a smile. However, I was confused by what she said.

My main activities were limited to the Tivi Palace and the library. Although I occasionally noticed angels pointing fingers at Nicola and me, I always thought it was due to our unusual hair colours. Looks like news of our fast promotion has already spread so widely and elicited such a strong response. This was beyond my expectations.

"You flatter me...I also don't know why I advanced to six wings so quickly. It was pure luck!"

I hurriedly acted modestly.

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