Lock Down

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I was a bit incredulous, looking at him doubtfully. I felt like he was joking with me. I'm very clear about my own abilities - I've just learned one more Purification Spell, and haven't ranked up or learned any other skills or magic. How could I suddenly reach level 4?

"Really, believe me."

Adrian suddenly looked at me seriously and said.

"You killed a level 4 Face Fly and kicked a drunken level 5 demon. Even though the demon was drunk when you got the better of him, you wouldn't have been able to do that without level 4 abilities."

"That's because they were affected by the Purification Spell."

Adrian wouldn't understand. I'm very clear that I was only able to kick Buck thanks to my empty level 4 strength. My overall abilities are still very poor.

If we really fought head-on, whether it was the Face Fly or the demon, I would have no chance at all. Because in reality, I don't know any martial arts techniques at all. The Purification Spell could only catch the magical creatures off guard. If they defended against it, I could only get beaten up.

"And also, even if I could upgrade my rank, I'd have to get back to do it!"

I sighed helplessly as I said this. After getting injured and chased today, the situation is still fresh in my memory. Since I came to this dark continent, I've basically been injured all the time. Although I got healed quickly, the painful memories can't be erased.

"In a city like this, which is the enemy's base camp, there is danger everywhere. Perhaps I won't even live to see that day."

I feel like from now on, I could expire in some corner of this dark continent at any time. When that happens, I would really have eternal shame that I can't wash away.

I can imagine that someday after my death, when some dark creature picks up my identity card from the ground and sees the description of my level 3 angel race on it, it would surely make all the dark creatures laugh their heads off.

If it even spread back to the human world, then almost everyone would know of the embarrassing fact that the level 3 angel Feliciana existed.

"Don't overthink things again."

Seeing the look on my face, Adrian seemed to guess that I was hung up on these superficial matters again. But why did he say "again"?

"Don't worry, I will definitely get you back!"

He suddenly stood up and raised his voice to tell me.


I was confused by his words, caught off guard.

After all, in my impression, Adrian and I hadn't had many chances to even talk to each other before today. His saying this could easily be misunderstood.

"Aren't you worried about not being able to rank up? I will get you back to rank up. That way you won't feel embarrassed anymore, right?"

Seeing my confused look, he further explained.

"These are clearly trivial matters, it's fine."

I quickly waved my hands, clarifying my words. Adrian mentioned my fear of losing face again. Hearing this, it felt like he seemed a bit unhappy that I'm always concerned about my image.

Besides, it wasn't something he could just decide to let me go back. Although Adrian was much more powerful than me, from what Vivianne said, he should be under level 5 too.

"Actually there's still 2 months until the next chance to test again. It's too early now, rushing back wouldn't be useful."

As I spoke, I put away my identity card, to prove I didn't have ideas in that aspect. I decided not to bring up anything about rankings ever again.

Ethereal Ascendance: A Journey of Transformation(1-3VOL)Where stories live. Discover now