Volume 2/Chapter 20: Spending the Night Outdoors

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"Let's rest here for now."

After flying unsteadily for a while, I could no longer bear the pain from the wounds on my wings. Adding to that, my energy was depleting more and more in the night. I ultimately had no choice but to land on the ground again.

"The other Face Flies probably won't come chasing for now."

The moment my feet touched the ground, Selene untied the ropes binding us together, finally separating from me. Upon gaining her freedom, she immediately ran behind me to check on the wounds on my wings.

"You angel reacted so slowly, I already warned you yet you still got hit."

I'm almost used to her scoldings since she rarely had anything nice to say to me whenever we were together.

"Tsk tsk, the wound looks terrible, can even see the bones."

"I...I can't hide my wings anymore."

I exclaimed in shock. Due to the agony, I tried to conceal my wings the moment I landed, but quickly realized it did not work at all. The wing concealment spell I had successfully used countless times before was now completely useless.

Now there's no choice but to endure all the pain with my wings out. I felt beads of sweat seeping out of my forehead. Unable to stand anymore, I plopped butt-first onto the ground.

"It's probably due to the injuries. Let me heal you first then we'll talk. But it'll likely be slow, you'll have to endure for now."

Seeing how much pain I was in, Selene softened and could only chant a spell to start healing me.

A light blue glow slowly emerged from her hand. The moment it touched the wounded area, the pain was immediately alleviated significantly.

"Is this water elemental magic?" I've seen magic with this color before when Vivianne got injured and used it too. Also, I could clearly sense particles like light elements being released from her hand each time, so that should be water elements right?

"Yes, unfortunately I only know low-level recovery spells."

Selene chatted with me while treating me to help distract me from the discomfort.

"If it was high-level water magic, wounds like these would heal quickly."

"It's alright, just takes more time."

Having magic to treat me was already very comforting. Most importantly, it wasn't as unbearable as initially. Hence I finally had the energy to observe the surroundings.

The place we were in seemed to be an empty barren area covered in rubble all around. It was pitch dark with almost no lighting except for the glow from Selene's spell. Visibility was less than 10 meters and there wasn't a single blade of grass growing from the bare ground I was standing on.

"Looks like there's no returning to the capital tonight. We might have to consider sleeping outdoors." I was suddenly reminded of my days back in Elara Woodlands upon mentioning camping outdoors, especially in our current situation. While feelings of confusion and unease lingered as I initially entered this new world, traveling with everyone then was still so much more carefree and happy compared to now.

"Could what happened be related to the battles up North?"

Instead of addressing the issue of camping outdoors, Selene suddenly switched topics and put forth a speculation that took me by surprise.

"You mean Adrian and Brennan heading off to war?"

Her question immediately reminded me of the situation I encountered when looking for Vivianne and the rest recently.

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