January 12th, 2016(Pt. 1)

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Part 2 will come tonight. Sarah xx


"Good morning."


"How're you feeling?"

"Bright eyed and bushy tailed. And yourself?"

"Well, not feeling as sarcastic as you, but I'm hanging on in there."

"Ha ha. I feel like the walking dead."

"I bet you don't look it."

"I look amazing. Never think I look anything less than catwalk ready."

"I wouldn't dare. Are you sure you're ok?"

"Yeah. I'm at work and on my third espresso of the morning. As long as Rachel familiarises herself with my Café Nero order, then I am going to survive."

"I think that's an abuse of your position if you make your intern-slash-assistant get you coffee."

"I know. I just don't think she knows. I'm waiting to see how long it's going to take her before she either quits or tells me to fuck off."

"What's the purpose in that?"

"If she quits, she's not made to work in fashion. I said it was cut throat and girls that quit over coffee would never survive. If she tells me to fuck off, it shows that she has a backbone. I like it when people can stick up for themselves."

"Any indication yet on which way she'll go?"

"No, it's still early days. I'm hoping she'll tell me to get lost, if I'm honest. Not that I'd ever tell Rachel this, but I actually think she has potential to work in fashion."

"Praise from Miss Sophie Clément? It's a good thing I'm sitting, otherwise I would have collapsed."

"Please, it's not like I was praising you."

"I know that. I just never thought you had it in you to be nice to people."

"I'm nice to you."

"You're only nice to me because we're friends."

"Even then, I still doubt if that's the best idea I've ever had."

"You wound me, Sophie."

"You'll survive, Daniel. I have to go. I have an editor's meeting."

"You go to the editor's meeting?"

"Well, seeing as I am an editor, I think I should attend."

"I thought-"

"I'm the fashion editor as well as the head fashion features writer. Many strings to my bow, Mr Whitaker."

"I will never understand your job. Have fun at your eight a.m. meeting, Soph."

"I totally will."

"I'll call you later. I'm in court today. Good bye, Sophie."

"Enjoy your day, hon. Love you, bye."

"Hello?" Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now