March 31st 2016

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Chapter tomorrow! Sarah xx


"Happy three month anniversary!"

"That's a thing?"

"Party pooper. At least I remembered that we've completed three months of... whatever this is."

"I remembered."

"Well, if you remembered, why didn't you say anything?"

"Because I wasn't aware it was a thing."

"It's a thing."

"In that case, happy three mo-"

"There's no point in saying it now, is there?"

"Well, there is. It's a gesture, so will you allow me to say it?"


"Happy three months of whatever this thing is, Soph."

"Do you have a pen and paper?"

"Do I need one?"


"Hold on a second, I think I have some here... somewhere. -Evelyn!-"

<<You don't need to yell, Daniel. I can hear you perfectly well from my desk. Or I could before you deafened me just now.>>

"-Pen and paper. Where do I keep them?-"

<<You don't keep them anywhere. I keep them in the top draw of your desk.>>

"-Ah, right. Yep, got them.- Ok, Soph. Go ahead."

"Say 'hi' to Evie for me."

"-Evie, Sophie says 'hello.'-"

<<She's such a sweetheart. You should date her. Officially, that is.>>

"-You're dismissed, Evelyn.- So, why do I need pen and paper?"

"Oh, right. The address for tomorrow is 13 Orchard Place, Poplar."


"It's a shitty looking building from the outside, but on the inside it's been renovated and it looks amazing. It used to be a factory or a warehouse back in the old days so it looks really industrial. It's a studio now, though. It's where we're doing the shoot. If you go through the main door, someone at the reception desk will greet you."

"I'm not so sure that doing this tomorrow is such a good idea, Soph."

"It's a great idea, Daniel."

"I just... I kinda feel stupid."

"Stupid, why?"

"You know, photo shoots and stuff usually involve make up, hair and clothes. That's not me."

"Make up isn't you?"


"Well, considering you looked like a clown on Monday when I arrived, I'd say that make up isn't entirely out of your comfort zone. And wasn't your hair in bunches, held together by glittery pink hair slides?"

"Ok, first of all, you promised me you wouldn't speak of that again."

"I lied."

"Secondly, I was only looking like an idiot because Nola asked."

"Just admit it, Daniel."

"Admit what?"

"That you liked looking pretty with your hair and make up done on Monday."

&quot;Hello?&quot; Pt. 1जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें