June 16th 2016

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Here's your Thursday update!

Sarah, xx


"Honey, I'm home!"

"You're back?"

"That I am."


"Did you just 'mhm' the good news?"

"Um... yes?"

"Gee, thanks. 'Soph, I'm so very glad you're back in the UK for I can now ravage you for the next four days.'"

"Except it isn't four days."

"It's close enough to four days."

"You're in London tonight, Surrey tomorrow and only then are you in Amesbury with me. Then you're leaving on Monday. That only gives us two days."

"Two is close to four, isn't it?"

"It's half of four."

"Shit, it is?!"

"Sarcasm, Clément."


"So, you're in London now, huh?"

"Yep. Just got into the house, like thirty minutes ago and after a shower, you were the first person I called."

"Gee, thanks. 'Terribly sorry, old chap, but my shower was more important than you.'"

"That's only funny when I do it."

"That's a matter of opinion."

"Anyway, in answer to your question, I am indeed at my place in London. Jasmine's here, too. She insisted on coming so she could console Samuel."


"Console... fuck his brains out... whichever way you want to put it."


"Connie's place is big enough that Samuel and Jasmine can go to one side of the house and mate like rabbits, right?"

"I'll banish them to the cottage."


"Yep. We have a cottage."


"You and I. You are going to be my wife, after all."

"Yes! Finally, I have a cottage!"

"Sarcasm, again?"

"Actually... no. You seriously have a cottage?"

"We have a cottage. Well, a cottage or three."


"And those are just the cottages."

"What else is there on the... Estate? Is that what we call the place? An estate?"

"I just call it the house, but if you want to call it the Estate, then go ahead."

"Nah, that sounds so ostentatious."

"That's why I just call it the house."

"Mhm. Oh, Jesus Christ, not again."


"Jasmine keeps knocking on my bedroom door. Hold on a second, babe. -Jasmine, go away!-"

"Soph? Next time, move the phone away from your mouth."

"Yeah, ok... -Jasmine, stop knocking! I'm not answering for a reason!- I knew I should have ditched the bitch in NYC."

"Now, now, Sophie Evangeline. Be nice."

"I am being nice. She's being irritating."

"I'm sure she's not."

"She is."

"You're such a Drama Queen, Soph."

"Am not! -Jasmine, I swear to God! I'm on the phone! Go away.-"


"Of, for crying out loud! -Go away!-"

"Crazy idea, but maybe you should just answer the door. That way, the knocking might stop."

"But I don't want to."

"Answer the door, Sophie."

"Fine, I shall. But I'm doing it because I want to, not because you told me to."


"-Alright, alright, I'm coming! Jasmine, you better appreciate that I'm ditching my fiancé for... you're not Jasmine.-"

"No, I am not. So, are you gonna let me in, or am I standing in your hallway all night?"



So, Daniel went to surprise Sophie in London. This is what he was up to yesterday- sneaking coordination with Jasmine!

See y'all tomorrow!

S, xx

"Hello?" Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now