June 29th 2016

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"Hey, Daniel?"

"Oh, that's never good."


"You, calling me 'Daniel' this early in the conversation. That's never a good sign."

"Don't be so ridiculous."

"See, we're fighting already."

"Pretty sure we're not fighting, but whatever. Want to hear my news?"


"I'm anemic."


"And I can have children in the future."


"Did you hear what I just said?"

"Yes, but I'm not sure how many time I have to tell you this- you could have children anyway."

"Yes, but my test result-"

"Pointed out the obvious?"

"For my own ease of mind."

"Well, it was never in doubt with me."

"Yeah, yeah."

"But that's good news, nevertheless. Now, you might start listening to me more because I am always right."

"You are never right."

"I am. You just don't appreciate that enough."

"God, you are such a lawyer."

"I am."

"An annoying lawyer."

"I am not annoying."

"Ha! Proof!"


"You said that you're always right, but you were wrong about that. You are an annoying lawyer."


"Victory is mine!"


"Wait, Sam's there?"

"No, he isn't."

"Right, I forgot. He can't be there because he's here."

"He's where?"

"In New York."

"Samuel's in New York?"

"You didn't know?" 

"No, I bloody didn't. -Evie!-"

<<-What are you shouting for now?->>

"-Is Samuel in New York?-"


"-And no one thought to tell me this?-"

"I did! That's why I told you now."

"You only told me know because you thought I already knew, Soph. -Why is he in New York?-"

<<-You do not want to know. I really did not want to know.->>

"-Ew, disgusting.-"

<<-My thoughts exactly. No sister ever needs to know the details, especially as graphic as the ones Sammy was giving. Honestly, where's that sweet, nine-year-old boy that I raised?->>

&quot;Hello?&quot; Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now