May 12th 2016

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Unedited update. Ah, the joys of Daniel and Jasmine. 


<<Hey, bitch!>>

"Ah, I see that Daniel has picked you up. Does he know that you're using his phone?"

<<I'm coming over the bluetooth in his car. I thought you said that the guy doesn't drive.>>

"I drive. I just don't like driving."

<<Was I talking to you? No, exactly! Now, Sophie... a little warning about my chauffeur would have been good. If I'd known dickwad here was picking me up, I would have organised my own driver.>>

"There's nothing wrong with Daniel driving you."

<<Have you ever been in the car with him?Sweetheart, it's like my grandma is driving.>>

"I'm doing the speed limit, Jasmine."

<<Oh, I know.>>

"Wait a second, you're still in the car?"


"Why? Jasmine's flight was arriving at eight and it's now just past ten. What's going on?"

"Ask Jasmine."


<<Oh, you know...>>

"She purposely delayed her flight so that I'd have to wait an hour and a half for her in an airport in the middle of fucking nowhere!"


<<I didn't purpose delay the flight.>>


<<What? I didn't.>>

"That doesn't sound convincing at all."

<<Was I explaining myself to you? No, now butt out.>>

"Well, you're hijacking my conversation with Sophie so I think I will butt in. And I'm the one that waited an hour and a half for you, so I think you do owe me an explanation."

<<You're shit outta luck, Danny.>>

"How many times?! Don't call me that!"

<<Oh, pipe down. Gee, you're so touchy.>>

"I wonder why!"

<<I have no idea what Sophie sees in you.>>

"I have no idea what she sees in you."

"You two know I'm still here right?"

<<I happen to be the best assistant she's ever had.>>#

"Well, I happen to be... to be..."

<<The jerk who broke her heart and made her cry for a weekend straight? Yeah, I'd agree with that.>>


"Well, I don't know about you, but this has been sufficiently awkward. So, you two enjoy the drive into London and I'll speak to you both- individually- tomorrow. Good night."

[Sophie disconnects from the call]

<<Well, look what you did now.>>

"No, that was all you."

<<Was not!>>

"Was too."

<<Was not!>>



Can you imagine how much fun Saturday's chapter is going to be?!

Sarah xx

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