April 6th 2016

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"What do I ask an ice hockey player that I've never met and have zilch in common with?"

"Do you like cheese?"

"Are you asking me that or is that what I should ask the ice hockey player?"

"The latter."

"You seriously want me to ask Brogan Grayson if he likes cheese?! What is wrong with you?"

"I'm sorry, what? His name is Brogan?"


"Sounds like a stupid name."

"It's Irish."

"Ah, well, in that case it's an amazing name."

"It means badger."


"It's a stupid name."

"I genuinely thought I'd have to keep up the charade that it was a half decent name."

"So, any ideas what I should ask the guy?"

"No, sorry."

"Damn it. I thought you'd be more helpful than that."

"I can be helpful in other ways."

"That sounds perverted."

"It's not the mouth it comes out of but the mind it goes into."

"Are you saying I'm dirty minded?"

"If the cap fits."

"Me and hats- of any kind- do not get along."

"I highly doubt that. You'd look good in anything."


"Your first week is almost over. How's it been?"

"Ok. The ice hockey thing got pushed to today because of scheduling issues, Nigel is teaching me everything I need to know about being an Art Director and Persephone and Kinsley honestly think that I am a mother."

"To who, Alfie?"

"They think he's a baby. A real-life baby!"

"I thought you were doing damage control on that."

"I tried but they didn't believe me. They had already convinced themselves that I have a kid so nothing I said could convince them other wise."

"Haha. That's hilarious."

"No, it wasn't."

"Yes, it is... shit, Soph, I wasn't thinking. You know, talk of kids and such. I'm sorry."

"It's not a big deal. I mean, you know. It is what it is. Babies are not a part of my future."


"Now, is there anything you know about the NHL that I could maybe use to help me with this interview thing?"

"Up until a few days ago, I didn't even know what NHL meant."

"I knew I should have prepped more. Damn those cosmos."


"Persephone, the woman who works at the desk outside my office, invited me out for drinks last night. Not the best idea. I'm apparently her boss, so I need to keep a distance from her. I should have stayed in and done my homework on this Brogan guy."

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