February 8th, 2016

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Ok, so I originally had Ollie Edwards as my version of Daniel, but I'm not sure he fits the bill any more. I haven't figured out who I want yet, that's why I haven't officially put a cast for this story. Anyway, here's today's update. Enjoy, Sarah xx


"Tell me everything you know."

"I'm a very knowledgeable man, if I tell you everything I know, we'll be here a while."

"Tell me everything you know about tomorrow night. I know Charlotte's text you, so spill!"

"She's text me?"

"Don't bullshit me, Daniel! Tell me."

"I don't know nothing."

"Ha! That's a double negative. If you do not know nothing, then you know something! What is that something, Daniel, what?"

"Isn't it supposed to be some sort of surprise thing?"

"Not really because I know that it's happening. What I don't know- but you do know- is what is going on, where it is going on, when it is going on. Give me answers, damn you!"

"Were going for drinks, at a bar, tomorrow. There, now you know."


<<What is it, what happened?"


"Run, Rachel, Run!"

"-You know, don't you. Rachel, tell me what's happening tomorrow?-"

"Rachel, run!"

"Daniel, shut up. - Rachel, tell me.-"

<<I was just coming in here to see if you wanted something from Starbucks.>>

"-Oh, um, tea. I need something to relax me."

"Haha, that's a massive understantement!"

"Daniel, I told you to shut up. I said it for your sake, not mine, so bloody well listen, will you!"

<<I'll just go get you your tea.>>

"-Wait, Rachel! You didn't tell me... - Never mind. Daniel, just tell me."

"I can't. I've been sworn to secrecy." 

"By who?"

"Charlotte, who, by the way, is not like you at all. She's amiable."

"How would you know how amiable she is? She text you."

"Actually, she phoned."

"... phoned? My sister phoned you, did she?"

"I get the feeling that that was the wrong answer."


"She... text me?"




"Why are you snapping at me? What did I do?"


"You're shouting, so clearly, I did something."

"I have to go."

"No! Don't you dare hang up."


"You're angry with me. You do not get to hang up when you're angry with me."

&quot;Hello?&quot; Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now