June 12th 2016

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Here's today's update. Enjoy. Let me know what you think about Daniel's attitude towards Veronica.

Sarah, xx


"You've got my engagement ring already?"

"Hello, Sophie. It's lovely to talk to you, too."

"Don't get smart with me! You've got the ring?"

"I do."


"And what?"

"What's it like?"

"It's a ring."


"And what?"

"Are you deliberately being unhelpful?"

"Yes. Until I present you with the ring, you're not going to find out anything about it."

"But, that's so not fair!"

"I never said it was fair."

"Daniel, c'mon! Tell me!"

"Um, how about... no?"

"Don't be mean."

"Ok, think of it like this. I tell you every little detail about the ring and then when I propose, it's a little less special. Or, I don't tell you anything about the ring and when I get down on one knee, you'll be wowed. Your choice."

"Well, when you put it like that... Tell me now!"


"Fine. But,  just so you know, when you ask me to marry you, I might say 'no.'"

"You can't say 'no.'"

"Why not?"

"Because you've already proposed to me and I said yes. And I won't technically be asking you to marry me, in any case. I'm just putting a ring on your finger."

"Don't try to use logic and reasoning with me. Can you at least send me a photo of the ring?"



"What did you just call me? You never called me Danny before."

"I do. Sometimes."

"But not when it's just 'Danny' on its own."

"You're trying to distract me. Stop trying to distract me!"

"Want to hear about my showdown with Veronica?"

"... Tempting."

"Is that a 'yes'?"

"Yes. What has she done now?"

"She's demanding this, that and the other. She wants half the marital home, all the jewels that she's worn over the years and she wants a hefty payday."

"Why do you sound almost happy with her demands?"

"Because there's not a chance in hell that she's getting even close to half what she's demanding. The house belongs to the Dukedom. The jewels belong to the Dukedom. The only thing she can demand is half of Laurence's personal wealth, which he squandered on booze and blondes. So, if she wants half of a hundred and eighty-six thousand, nine hundred and forty-three pounds, sixty-eight pence, then I will gladly sign her a cheque this second."

"Hello?" Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now