February 10th,2016

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I've been thinking more about Daniel and possible actors to portray him. What do we think about Max Brown (his lovely face is hovering around here somewhere.) More like Daniel, or nah? Sarah xx


"How's the hangover working out for you?" 


"You drank a lot! Like a lot." 


"Why are you shushing me?" 


"Daniel, come on!" 

"Volume... shh... I have a delicate head today." 

"No, you have a hangover today." 

"Why did you make me drink so much? Are you some sort of sadist? I bet you are." 

"No, but from the way you were knocking the drinks back last night, I'd venture to say that you're some sort of masochist." 

"It wasn't my fault." 

"So, someone forced you to drink an entire bottle worth of vodka then, did they?" 

"Yep. Hugo." 

"Haha, actually I'd believe that excuse." 

"It's not an excuse, it's the truth." 

"Daniel Whitaker, I find it impossible to believe that anyone can make you do anything you don't want to do." 

"I'm easily led. Especially by Hugo and, uh, what was his- uh, her?- name? Miss Chantelle?" 

"I bet you're going to blame the whole dancing thing on them too, are you?" 

"No, the dancing was all on me." 

"You looked good on stage though, shaking what your mamma gave you." 

"I was not shaking anything. Especially anything my mamma gave me." 

"The video on my phone tells me otherwise." 

"There's a video? Oh, God! Delete it. Please." 

"Haha, no chance, mate." 

"Why not?" 

"Because you bought me etiquette class vouchers for my birthday? You practically told me I wasn't a lady." 

"It was a joke, Sophie. The free bar was your real birthday present. Although, if we're honest, you're not really a lady." 

"Remind me when it's your birthday. I'll get you gentleman classes." 

"Ha, I'm already a gentleman." 

"Ah, crap, you're right. What do you want for your birthday, what can I get you?" 

"My birthday isn't until October, so we both have plenty of time to think about it." 

"Hmm, I guess." 

"So... your sister-" 


"Charlotte. She's... full on." 


"She scares me. Emma, I like." 

"Emma's engaged. To lawyer. They live in New York. She came home because of Lucas. And my birthday." 

"I know, she told me. She and I chatted as Donna Dynamite dragged us backstage to turn Em into a Drag Queen." 

"Ah, good times. What else did Emma tell you?" 

"Wouldn't you like to know." 

"Obviously, that's why I'm asking you." 

"What happens in Donna Dynamite's dressing room, stays in Donna Dynamite's dressing room." 

"Fine. Have you taken anything for your head?" 

"Copious amounts of aspirin." 

"Copious? But still within the safe limits, I hope. You're not going to overdose, are you?" 

"I'm not going to overdose, Soph. I need to go back to bed." 

"Bed? You're not in work?" 

"With this headache? No, I'm working from home." 

"Me too. I mean, I'm supposed to be in New York for fashion week but I was benched. Thank God, otherwise I'd have missed the fun from last night." 

"Why were you benched?" 

"Because I've done too much travelling this year. I needed a break, so Natasha went instead. I get to do London and Paris, though." 

"I, for one, am glad that you got benched. I really enjoyed last night, even if I'm suffering the morning after." 

"You do know that it's the afternoon."

"I definitely need to go back to bed. I'm going to catch some z's, Soph. I'll phone you tomorrow. Oh, I'm not sure if I said this last night, but, happy birthday for yesterday."

"You said it enough last night, Daniel, but thank you. Thank you, also, for the etiquette class vouchers."

"Haha, you're welcome. Right, I'm going back to bed."


"Says the girl that got drunk on whiskey."

"But you're the man that got pissed on vodka. Now who is the lightweight?"

"Mhm. I'm off to bedfordshire."

"Cool thing, babe. I'll speak to you tomorrow. Afternoon, Daniel. Sweet dreams."

"Mhm. Night, Soph."

"Hello?" Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now