January 18th, 2016

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"As it turns out, New York is only five hours behind London." 

"Hello, Daniel." 

"Yes, hello. Five hours behind means that I can call you between the hours of 1pm and two am and not disrupt your sleep. That is, if you wake up at eight and sleep at ten." 

"And what if I'm at work?"

"You can tell them you're doing market research again." 

"You've thought about this far too much." 

"I know. I zoned out of my important meeting this morning to do the math work." 

"Oh, that's sweet. I'm more important than your work." 

"You're not more important than my work. You're more important to me than my work. Or, at least, for twenty minutes this morning you were." 

"I think that's even sweeter." 

"That aside, how is the Big Apple?" 


"That's all you have to say?" 

"I'm shadowing someone on a shoot and it's out in Central Park. Do you know how cold it is?! It's like, minus a hundred out here." 

"I'm sure it's not." 

"Are you here? Are you freezing your arse off outside? Do you have frostbite on your nose and hypothermia setting in? You, you are not!" 

"So dramatic." 

"Says the guy who threw red wine on his ex-girlfriend's white dress." 

"In my defence, you told me to end it on a dramatic note." 

"There we are then. I have a flair for dramatics." 

"Other than the weather, is it ok there? Was your flight ok? How's the hotel?" 

"It's fine. Flight was good. Hotel I haven't seen yet." 

"You haven't seen it yet?" 

"We went to the shoot straight from the airport, so I didn't get a chance to drop my luggage at the hotel. From the look of this schedule they've given me, I won't be seeing the suite until tomorrow night." 

"I thought you were there to preview clothes." 

"I am." 

"Why are you on a photoshoot then?" 

"Because I'm going to be here for a few days and need to do other things to occupy my time. If I only came here to see clothes, I could be on a flight home tomorrow. Need to make the jet lag worthwhile." 

"I suppose. There's an amazing restaurant in Little Italy called Rosario's and if you have time, you should go there. It's a hole in the wall type of place but it makes authentic Italian spaghetti that is to die for." 

"How'd you know about that place?" 

"My firm has offices in New York. I did a stint there a few years ago." 

"Did Arabella come with you?" 

"To the fashion capital of the world? Of course she did." 

"Ok, first of all Paris is the fashion capital of the world, not New York. Secondly, she only came here for the clothes? It's a good thing you got rid of her." 

"How so?" 

"Because she should have moved here for you. Not for fashion." 

"Weren't you the one saying how hard it is to maintain a relationship when you have to travel? Maybe if you stayed put in one place long enough, your relationships would last longer."

"Hello?" Pt. 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant