April 17th 2016

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Ok, so I haven't replied to any of your comments from yesterdays chapter because, quite frankly, I'm terrified of having to face you all after what I wrote. If it's any consolation, I'm pretty angry/annoyed with myself (from a reader's view point) but the writer in me insists that it had to be done like that.

Ok, so, where do we go from yesterday? Simply- there's very little Sophie in this update. It's mainly Daniel and Hugo (who took a red eye flight from London to New York). Because it's Hugo, there's a lot of French. Usually, the French is translated during the conversation (if it's Sophie) but because Hugo is a native French speaker, there will be none of that in-the-conversation translation. 

Therefore, under each of the French, in brackets, I will write the French translations for you. (Please be aware that the French don't say the 'h' at the beginning of words words, there for 'here' will be 'ere and 'her' will be 'er, etc.)

Hopefully, my French has not failed me, but if anyone sees something that's wrong, et me know!

Sarah, xx








<<C'est moi.>>

(It's me.)

"Where is Sophie?"

<<Elle est occupé>>

(She's busy.)

"Occupé? What does that mean?"

<<She is, uh... busy?>>


<<Qui, exactement ça.>>

(Yes, exactly that.)

"When will she not be busy?"

<<Chais pas.>>

(I dunno.)

"Is she avoiding me?"



"You're not being helpful, Hugo."

<<Je sais.>>

(I know.)

"May I please speak to her?"



"Can I leave a message?"

<<Si tu veux.>>

(If you want.)

"Can you just as her to call me as soon as she can, please?"



"Ok, thanks. Um, Hugo? What are you doing in New York? You were here on Friday and you never said you were heading that way."

<<J'essaie de consoler mon amie de cœur. Elle est dans le besoin.>>

(I'm trying to console my (close) friend. She's in need.)

"Hugo, in English please?"

<<En anglais, it exige. Bien... I am 'ere for Sophie."

(In English, he demands. Ok... I'm here for Sophie.)

"I understood that. Why?"

<<Stupide. Sophie phoned and asked for me to come 'ere. I 'aven't seen 'er since early this morning. She is very busy but I 'ope to see 'er soon.>>


"Is she ok?"

<<I am not sure. It is 'ard to tell regarding Sophie. She does not show emotions well.>>

"Is she working from home or are you at the office with her? If you're on her phone, she's got to be around."

<<At her workplace. I am in 'er office but she is avoiding me, I think. She left 'er phone in 'ere before she left and she 'as not come back for it.>>

"Can you let her now that I called?"

<<Of course.>>

"Hugo, who are you on the phone to?"

<<Ah, Sophie. C'est toi! Mon cherie, ça biche?>>

(Ah, Sophie. It's you! How are you, sweetheart?)

"Who are you speaking to, Hugo?"

<<C'est Daniel. Tu veux->>

(It's Daniel. Would you like to-)

"Non, je suis occupé. Je dois aller à Brooklyn. Tu viens avec moi?"

(No, I'm busy. I have to go to Brooklyn. Are you coming with me?)

<<Oui, bien sur. Un moment. Daniel, I must go. Àbientôt!>>

(Yes, of course. One moment. Daniel, I must go. Speak soon!)

"No, Hugo, wait!"

[Call ended] 



I've just realised how super annoying the translations are! Ah well...


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