June 7th 2016

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I actually read through this before hitting publish! I didn't spot any mistakes, but if you do, tell me. 

Sarah xx


"I miss you."

"I miss you too, babe."

"How are things?"

"A bit shit. You're on the other side of the world."

"That's not where I was going with that, but I agree. That's a bit shit."

"Well, the other thing is a bit shit, too. We need to fly my father's body home but one of us has to go out to fly home with the coffin."

"I'm sorry, what? You need to fly? To Where? From where? What?"

"To Ibiza and back."


"Don't ask. Laurence was rather fond of the party island. He bought a villa there about ten years ago so he had somewhere to take his blonde airheads. He only arrived in Ibiza on Tuesday, hit the bottle on Wednesday and died on Saturday night. Oh, you want to hear the really sad thing?"

"From your tone of voice, you mean 'sad' like pathetic, not 'sad' as in upsetting, don't you?"

"You know me well, babe."

"Ok... so what's the sad thing?"

"My father died on Saturday night and no one found him until Sunday because the Ukranian model he'd been partying with fucked off after the bar bill was paid."


"He died, sad and alone."

"Sweetheart, that's... awful. I mean, I know you two didn't get along, but no one should die like that."




"I'm hugging my phone... there. Did you feel it?"

"Haha... yeah, I did."

"Wish I could be there with you. I feel like a really bad fiancée for leaving you go home and having to face this alone."

"I'm not alone. Connie and Samuel are here, and Elias and Jenna brought Nola to see me. Granted, they're not you, though. You know, if you're my fiancée now, I really should get you a ring."

"I don't need a ring, I just need you. That's all I want."

"Oh, so you don't want a huge Harry Winston diamond?" 


"You actually sound genuine when you say that."

"I don't want huge. I don't want Harry Winston. I don't want a diamond. I want you."

"But you need a ring. Everyone needs to know that you're mine."

"In that case, what about getting you a ring? Shouldn't everyone know that you're mine too?"

"The only ring you're getting on my finger is a Haribo ring."

"Wait, what? You wouldn't want a wedding ring?"

"Of course I do. I thought you were talking about getting me an engagement ring."

"What do you need one for?"

"Hello?" Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now