May 27th 2016

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Unedited. 21:20 27.05.16

Sarah, xx


"What colour is your bridesmaid dress for Emma's wedding?"

"I can't tell you."

"What do you mean, you can't tell me?"

"I'm not at liberty to divulge any wedding related information."

"Why not?"

"My very neurotic sister has us all sworn to secrecy."

"Even from me?"

"From everyone. Not even Dad knows half the details and he's paying for the whole lot."

"But I need to know what colour dress you're wearing."

"No, you don't."

"I do, because I need to get a tie to match."

"A tie?"

"A bow tie?"

"A bow tie?"

"A cravat?"

"Haha, like Fred from Mystery Inc.?"

"From what?"

"You know, Scooby Doo?"

"Never seen it."

"Your childhood must have been bleak."

"My childhood was fine, thank you very much. Unlike some, I was out enjoying the countryside instead of sitting indoors watching Scooby Doo."

"Excuse me, I was not sitting indoors watching TV all the time. I lived in some amazing cities. How else would I have known about the Catacombes?"

"No! Never talk about that place again."

"Still not over the fact that you went into the Parisian underground and saw human bones, I see."

"No sane person would get over it. In fact, no sane person would ever go down there in the first place. You'd have to be bloody mad to do that!"

"You went. Therefore, according to you, you're mad, too. But I'll tell you a secret, some of the best people are."

"Funny to be quoting Lewis Carroll, but no more talk of the graveyard."

"Fine. You spoil all my fun."


"Anyway, you can't wear a cravat."

"So, tie or bow tie?"

"Um... tie? Wait a second. -Emma? Une cravate ou un nœud papillon?-"

<<À qui parles-tu?>>


<<Ah, bon... une cravate.>>

"Daniel? Emma says to wear a tie?"


"God, so many questions! -Emma, quelle couleur?-"

<<Chais pas. Une cravate noire, peut-être. Ou bleue. Non, rouge! Non... à bien y réfléchir, une cravate noire. Je pense que ce serait mieux. Oui, une cravate noire.>>

"A black tie."

"Black isn't that a little too... funeral for the occasion?"

"Oh, for God's sake. I'll sort out a suit for you. Tie and all."

&quot;Hello?&quot; Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now