April 13th 2016

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"You've reached Daniel Whitaker's voicemail. I'm unable to answer your call at the moment. Please leave a message and I shall be in touch as soon as possible. Thank you."

"Huh, you've changed your voicemail greeting. I do that all the time. Variety is the spice of life, after all. By the way, you sound even more posh in the greeting than usual. Anyway... I, uh... it's weird talking to your machine because I have no idea what to say to you.  So, yeah... this is going to be the most excruciating thing you hear all week. My day was boring. Why, you ask. Well, let me fill you in. I've spent my entire day writing about the Duchess of Cambridge. Joy! 

She and William are on a tour in India at the moment, although they're moving on to Bhutan tomorrow, I think. Anyway, this tour is all everyone is talking about. For some reasons the Americans are going crazy for this woman and it's really starting to do my nut in! Personally, I can't stand Kate Middleton, but I spent eight hours going through photos of her from the trip, and previous photos, trying to choose her 'best looks.' Do you know how hard that is?!

She always looks so... drab and old, and raccoon like with the amount of black eyeliner she wears. The only outfit I could wholeheartedly put into the best category is her wedding gown and even then, it was heavily influenced by Grace Kelly's wedding gown so that it wasn't even original! I may have lied about some of her outfits and put them in the best column just to make the piece look balanced. Ah, crap!

Do you know what I should have done? I should have made Kennedy do the stupid thing instead! It was only for an online article so it wouldn't have mattered if she was late submitting. Damn it, I missed the boat on that one. All that bloody woman has done today is flounce around, trying to look busy while really doing sweet F-A. 

Oh, hey! Guess what I'm doing next week?! I am going to Jakarta! I've been following this designer called Ardistia Dwiasri and her upcoming collection has just become my newest obsession. I've lobbied for a shoot and Nigel agreed, so long as we go to Indonesia. I've never been there before so I'm super excited. We're going to have to work out the time zone thing again, though, but it's only for a couple of days. I'm flying Emirates and there'll be a layover in Dubai. Don't think Vogue will put me up in the Burj al-Arab, though. 

Uh, what else? Oh, that whole drama with the seating plan for Emma's wedding is over! Success on keeping that Sallie and whats-his-name away from each other. Um, you're ok to sit with me, right? Emma and Adam are having a small table for them and their parents, while the bridesmaids and groomsmen will sit on other tables, along with their plus-one. I just wanted to check that you were ok with that plan. Let me know if you're not. 

Where are you, anyway? 

Right... that's all I really have to tell you. Call me tomorrow? Ok, I love you. Bye."


A/N ~ Did anyone spot it?

Sarah xx

"Hello?" Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now