April 5th 2016

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"What time is it with you over there?"

"It's twelve thirty-eight. It's what, five thirty eight with you?"

"Around there, I guess. I don't have a clock in front of me."

"The clock on your phone?"

"But I'm on the phone. I'm not going to check the time if I can talk to you- Alfred! No!-"


"Just a second, Soph. -Alfred. Alfred. Alfie! Huh, you'll answer to that. Jesus, you really are Sophie's dog, aren't you?- He answers to Alfie."

"Of course he does. He knows it's better than Alfred. I told you he was just playing the 'I'm old' card with you. No, that dog is an Alfie through and through."

"Let me send you a photo of Alfie, then."

"We've been to the park straight from the shelter and only now got into the car

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

"We've been to the park straight from the shelter and only now got into the car. I think I need to get one of those doggy seatbelts because he keeps jumping around the car like a madman."

"Oh, he looks so cute! You don't look too bad, either. Still rocking the beard, I see."

"A girl once told me that I was handsome with it."

"Who was stupid enough to tell you that?"

"Oh, you know, just a weirdo called Dory, that's all."

"Huh. Tell me more about this weirdo then. She sounds pretty cool to me."

"Nah, she's the uncoolest girl ever."

"'Uncoolest' is not a recognised word in the English language, Daniel."

"Should be. -Alfie, no!-"

"What did he do?"

"Climbed over onto the front seat to sit in my lap. -C'mon, Alfie. I'm trying to drive here, little guy.-"

"Am I on loudspeaker in your car?"


"Does that mean Alfie can hear me?"


"Alfie! It's Mummy!"

"Haha, he's looking around the car, trying to find the lunatic calling herself his Mummy."

"I'm not a lunatic. You're just jealous Alfie loves me more."

"Pft. He'll be barking a different tune this time next week after he figures out I'm the one feeding him, walking him and giving him all the attention."

"Maybe, but still, he loves me more this week."

"We're having a welcome home party for him tonight."

"For a dog?"

"A dog? Gee, Soph, here I was, thinking that you genuinely thought of Alfie like a human."

"He is."

"Two seconds ago he was a dog."

"You know what I mean, Daniel. So, you're having a party to welcome Alfie home?"

"Nola insisted. Naturally, I obliged."

"Push over."

"I'm a sucker for a girl with a pretty smile."

"Am I losing your affection to a six year old girl?"

"She's only taking back what you stole from her in the first place."

"Huh, so Nola is my competition. I think I can take her."

"I don't know, mind, Soph. Don't underestimate Nola. Girl's got game."

"Is that so?"


"Well, I-"

<<I'm sorry to disturb you, Sophie, but Nigel needs you in his office right now.>>

"Got to go, Daniel."

<<I didn't know you had a boyfriend, Sophie. Kept that one quiet.>>

"-I've only been here a day and a half. I'm not spilling my life story to you in thirty six hours. Tell Nigel that I'll be there in a minute.- Daniel, I've got to go to work."

"Yeah, of course."

"I hope Alfie enjoys his party."

"We have loads of doggy biscuits so I'm sure he'll be in his element."

"I'm so jealous that I won't be there."

"We'll have an actual human party when you get back. Will that make up for it?"

"A party in my honour?! Yes!"


"Love you too, Daniel."

"Love you, bye, Soph. -Say 'goodbye,' Alfie.- Alfie says 'bye.'"

"Bye, Alfie! Mummy loves you."

<<Wait, you have a baby, too? How did no one know about this? Hey, Persephone! Did you know Sophie has a boyfriend and a baby?>>

"Ah, crap. Now I have damage control to do. Talk to you tomorrow, Daniel."

"Bye, Soph."

&quot;Hello?&quot; Pt. 1Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα