February 15th, 2016

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There's one part of this that you may find a little offensive- early on in the conversation (Sophie's response to Daniel's 'you suck' comment.) If you are offended, I'm sorry but it's something Sophie would totally say and it's not intended to offend you at all. Sarah xx


"Knock, knock."

"No! Not again."

"That's not how knock, knock jokes go, Sophie. C'mon, play the game right."

"Nuh uh. I played the game enough times last night when you and the guys decided to have a knock, knock face-off. I've had it up to here with the stupid joke. They don't even make sense!"

"They do make sense. You just don't understand them."

"I understand jokes perfectly fine. Your jokes, however, are just plain stupid and nonsensical."

"Boo, you suck."

"But at least I don't swallow."





"That's just... I have nothing to say to that."

"Good, that was the plan. To render you speechless and thus saving me from another painful, unfunny knock, knock joke. I win."

"I'm never going to be able to look at you the same way ever again."

"Was there anything you wanted, other than to torture me with your terrible humour?"

"Not really."

"Cool, bye, then."

"Hey, wait! You can't hang up. This'll be our shortest conversation ever if you do."

"I don't think it will be."

"I think it'll be a contender, at least."

"Now you're deliberately trying to prolong the call."

"Perhaps. Would you like me to tell you what I had for lunch today?" 


"Well, I met Elias for lunch and we went to Harvey's. Elias had a steak, medium cooked, with parmesan roasted potatoes."


"I also had steak, well done, with baby potatoes."


"After, I went and got high in a park with the other junkies."


"Are you listening to me, Sophie?"


"That was a joke, you know. About getting high. Clearly, I wouldn't do that."




"You there, Soph?"


"Danphie One, do you copy?"




"I can hear you breathing, Miss Clément."

"And I can still hear you talking, Mr Whitaker."

"Hello?" Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now