March 13th 2016

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For all those who thought Daniel didn't do anything with Tamsin, your faith in him is admirable...


Sarah, xx


"I think there were some crossed wires yesterday. A misunderstanding."


"Wait, I'm not finished. You called me yesterday and someone-a woman- answered. I'm not sure what was said from Tamsin's behalf but I think you might have gotten the wrong impression of what went on."

"I don't need-"

"Yes, Sophie, you do need an explanation. I went out with Tamsin on Friday night and we ended up going back to her place. I stayed much later than I intended and I was rather out of it from all the wine consumed so there was no way I was going to get home. Tamsin offered that I stay-"

"Seriously, Daniel-"

"Will you please stop interrupting me?! I'm not finished yet. I slept in her guest room on a blow up camp bed that was severely uncomfortable. The next morning, I had a quick shower at her place to wash away the smell of alcohol and that's when you phoned. Sophie, nothing happened between Tamsin and I that night."


"I told you before that I'm not a one night stand kind of person. I need an emotional connection before I even get close to that stage and with Tamsin, it's just not there. She's a very nice person but not for me."


"Now, from what I gathered, you cancelled our lunch because you were under the impression that I'd slept with Tamsin, but that's not the case. What I can't get my head around is why my sexual relationships with anyone would garner that kind of reaction out of you, but I'm putting that aside for the sake of my sanity. However, now that I've hopefully cleared up the whole situation, my question is this- what wine goes best with ratatouille and lamb?"

"Excuse me?"

"You see, the optimist in me hopes that the dinner is back on, and knowing you, you haven't gone shopping. Therefore, thanks to a little Googling and a phone call to Charlotte, I have a list of ingredients for ratatouille and I'm currently in Tesco. The only thing your sister didn't tell me is what wine would go with the dinner. So... what do you think?"

"Are you for real?"



"Well? Red, white or rosé?"

"A Chianti is always good with tomato based dishes. Italian, if you can find one."

"Great. This means we're back on for the dinner, right?"

"Only if you bring wine."

"Done. Hey, Soph?"


"I didn't have sex with Tamsin. I need you to know that."

"I know."

"Are we ok, then?"

"Of course. We're Danphie, aren't we?"

"That we are."

"Danphie for life."

"Danphie for life. Right, I'm buying this Italian Chianti and once I'm done shopping, I'm coming straight over."

"Ok. I'll see you soon."

"Will do. Love you, bye."

"Haha, Love you, bye."


Yeah, you were right. Daniel wouldn't do that.

Sarah xx

"Hello?" Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now