January 14th, 2015

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Sad news today- Alan Rickman  (my weird crush of many years) died today, aged 69. He was a legend of stage and screen and it's going to be a huge loss to the acting world. His portrayal of Snape in the Harry Potter film series was perfect and I'll never be able to hear the word 'Always' without hearing his voice. He'll be missed. Sarah xx


"Do you have a sponsor page where I can donate money?"

"Hello, Daniel. Lovely to hear from you."

"We don't do formalities. They're boring."

"And we're anything but boring, right?"

"Exactly. So, do have a page?"


"Because I would like to sponsor you for the London Marathon."

"You don't have to, Daniel."

"But I want to, Sophie."

"You're just feeling guilty. You're guilt tripping yourself into donating."

"You are raising money for a good cause and I want to support you. What's wrong with that?"

"You feel obligated, that's what's wrong with it."

"Sophie, please."


"If you won't let me sponsor you, I'll make a donation to the Cystic Fibrosis Trust in your name."


"I'm writing out a cheque. Who do I make it out to?"

"Fine. Make it out to the Cystic Fibrosis Trust."

"Done. A thousand pounds should be enough, right?"

"What?! Daniel, that's too much!"

"ToughI've already written the cheque. It'll be in the post by the end of the working day."

"It's still too much. Thank you."

"You're welcome. How bad is your brother's CF? You said he was on the transplant list."

"Yes, he is. He's always been sick but it's only in the past few years that it's gotten progressively worse. He's only a teenager so it's like it's the end of his whole world. He's on oxygen and has to have therapy every day but he doesn't complain. He's never known differently."

"How are his chances with the transplant?"

"He's near the top of the list but it's Ben a long wait already. They haven't found him a match because of his blood type."


"Not that rare. He's blood group B so it's not the most common."

"How old is he?"



"And a virgin."


"What? It's true."

"True or not, you can't say that aloud."

"Well, I did. He's had an oxygen fused to his face since he was fifteen. He had a girlfriend once, but the CF got in the way. She couldn't deal with him being so I'll. "

"Maybe once he gets the transplant he can get laid."


"I can't believe that we're talking about your brother's sex life."

"Haha. He'd be mortified if he heard me talking about it but that's what big sisters are for."

"It's a good thing I never had one then."

"You're missing out. Having a big sister is awesome, especially if she's me."

"I think you're confusing awesome and awful."

"Nope, I'm pretty sure that I got it right."

"You would, wouldn't you."

"Naturally. Have you met me? I'm amazing!"

"I haven't met you, but you are rather amazing."

"You're so in love with me!"

"Of course I am. You've caught me. I'm undeniably in love with you."

"Called it."

"I just can't hide it any longer. These past two weeks has been the highlight of my life and now that your in it, I can't imagine life without you. Marry me."

"I've taught you well, young grasshopper. Your sarcasm has moved from basic to intermediate."

"My goal is to be fluent by the end of the month."

"Well, you're making great progress. Off topic while still kind of on topic- any girl would be fucking mental to turn down a proposal like that. Honestly, that was a magnificent popping of the question."



"What's that noise?"

"Oh, 'Hot Fuzz.' You know, the movie."

"Is that on? What channel?"


"Thanks for the heads up, I'm turning over to it now."

"Cool beans. I better go. If we're both watching it then it's going to sound echo-y and I hate that."

"Me too. I should want to turn the film off and just talking to you, but Hot Fuzz trumps Sophie Clément, sorry."

"What makes you think I'd chose you over Hot Fuzz?"

"Because I'm a ray of sunshine. Who wouldn't chose me over a movie?"

"I've taught you too well. Your sarcasm is out of control."

"What can I say? I learnt from the best."

"Compliments gets you everywhere."

"I'm charming that way."

"Haha, of course you are. Anyway, the film is coming back from the commercials, so I'm hanging up. Bye, Daniel."

"Bye, Soph. Enjoy the rest of the movie."

"You too, hon."

"Hello?" Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now