March 6th 2016

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The chapter photo is of Kristen Scott Thomas, who will be Sophie's mother, Camille Clément.

Britishisms- The Full Monty/Stark naked- to be fully naked. 

And now, to the French bits.

C'est toi - It's you.

Allez-y - Let's go

S'il tu plait - Please

The French don't say the 'h' at the beginning of words, so when Camille says 'urry what she means to say is 'hurry'. 

Sarah, xx


"Good morning, sleepy head!"

"What time is is?"

"Just a little after midday. Are you still in bed?  Your voice sounds... husky."

"I'm in a bed, but it's not mine. Um, Sophie? Whose bed am I in? Please don't say it's Charlotte's!"

"It's my bed."

"I'm naked."

"I know."

"Why am I naked in your bed?"

"Which story do you want- the long or the short?"

"The least embarrassing, please."

"Both versions are pretty embarrassing, to be fair."

"Give me the short version, then."

"After the show, Charlotte and Hugo decided that we were all going to go out, hit some bars-"

"I vaguely remember going to the karaoke bar. Did you sing?"

"Hey, we're talking about your embarrassing evening, not mine. So, after the bars, there were some more bars. You, Hugo and Charlotte decided to do shots, then when we got home, you and Hugo thought it would be a good idea to do a strip tease for Emma because she's getting married this year and you both wouldn't get to go to the hen do. So-"

"We stripped?"

"Oh yeah. Every last item of clothing."



"How did I end up in your bed, though?"

"Well... I put you in your bed and then about half an hour later, you decided that you liked my bed more than yours. You came in- still totally buck naked- pushed me out of my bed, climbed under the blankets and then started snoring."

"If I slept in your bed, where did you sleep?"

"In your bed."

"Right. That means nothing happened between us, right?"

"I'm not in the business of taking advantage of a drunk man. As tempting as it was having seen everything-"


"Haha, yeah. Everything. I think my mum enjoyed it the most."

"Camille was there?"

"Mm hm."

"I can't show my face around your mother ever again. I was supposed to be making a good impression on her and then this happens. Sophie! Why didn't you stop me?"

"My mum loves you. After you said 'Bonsoir, Mademoiselle Clément,' she was basically putty in your hands. Who knew that saying 'Good evening, Miss Clément' was all it took to get her on side. By the way, I did try to stop you but you kept pushing me away and muttering to yourself, so... this is all on you buddy."

"Hello?" Pt. 1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora