February 25th 2016

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When I first thought up this idea (incidentally in my best friend's guest bedroom about 10 mins before I posted the first 'conversation') I pictured Henry Cavill as Daniel. He's got the looks down, but I never quite felt like he was Daniel. Same with the other two that I'd previously considered. However, I've recently discovered a TV show called Galavant, and the main actor is named Joshua Sasse. He's now my Daniel. This time, I am NOT changing my mind! Picture above. Sarah xx


"I'm sending you a bill for all my Fashion Week purchases."

"No, you are not!"

"But I am."

"Not a chance."

"But... you made me fat!"

"How did I make you fat?"

"You took me to MEATmarket! I've put on, like, a hundred pounds since last night."

"Not my fault you ordered the biggest burger on the menu."

"You're the one who took me there. Ergo, it is your fault."

"I'm not footing the extortionate bill for your frivolities."

"You know, I would totally do that for you. If I made you fat, I'd pay for a new wardrobe for you."

"How sweet."

"That is sweet."

"It really isn't."

"Anyway, because of you I have to wear yoga pants today. Yoga pants!"

"You say that like I know what they are."

"Pants that you do yoga in."

"Oh, it literally means that."

"Yes. Literally."

"Well, that to me sounds like a perfect way to spend a day."

"You're just lucky that I wangled another day off work. My boss is being weirdly nice to me at the moment."

"It's weird for your boss to be nice to you?"

"It's weird for anyone in fashion to be nice, but especially my boss. She's acting..."


"Exactly! Really weird. Like... something is going on. I don't know what it is, but something is not right."

"In what was, not right?"

"She's practically given me until Monday off. That's a century in fashion terms. Oh, my God! She's going to sack me! The bitch is going to fire me!"

"Stop being melodramatic, Sophie. She isn't going to sack you."

"How do you know?"

"Because if she tries to sack you, I'll go Kramer vs. Kramer on her arse."

"Kramer vs. Kramer is about a divorced couple fighting over custody of their kid, Daniel."

"Ok, how about A Few Good Men?"

"Your knowledge of courtroom dramas is worrying considering you spend a fair amount of your time in court."

"I spend very little of my time in court. I mainly settle out of it."

"That explains a lot."

"Harsh much?"

"I still think she's going to sack me."

"Hello?" Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now