February 19th, 2016

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"How was your date last night?"

"Oh, you know, the usual. Film was good, the company wasn't."

"That bad, huh?"

"Well, Hugo kept stealing my popcorn even after I expressly told him he was not to touch it and he hogged the arm rest. Other than that, he was ok."



"You date was with Hugo?"

"Yeah, we go on a date night at least once a month. I mean, we hang out all the time- or as much as we can with our careers- but there's always one night where we try to do something 'cultural.' Last month it was the gallery opening, this month it was to see a movie. Next month, who knows? Just realised that there isn't much of February left."

"I thought you were going out on a date date."

"Nope, just Hugo. I haven't been out on a real date in a while. Haven't had sex in a while, either, but that's a different matter altogether."

"I am so confused right now."

"How so?"

"Just... last night you went out with Hugo, yes?"


"Not a date?"

"Not a real one, no."

"I thought you had a friend with benefits."

"I did but I, uh... we stopped the benefits, which coincidentally stopped us from being friends, too. As it turns out, he was just using me for sex."

"That's what a friends with benefits does."

"I know but I thought that he was, you know, my friend too. I really should pick them better. Like you, for example."

"You want me to be your friends with benefits?"

"No! I mean I should pick my friends better. Friends."

"Oh, thank God!"

"Hey, there is nothing wrong with me."

"There's nothing right with you either, but all I meant is... I am not complicating this friendship with sex."

"Never asked you to, buddy."

"As long as we're clear on that."

"Crystal clear."

"So, why did you and your ex-friend with benefits stop?"

"I... there's... I mean, it wasn't, you know, working out?"


"Um, it just wasn't."

"I sense a story. Hold on, I'll pour a glass of whiskey and you can tell me all about it."

"No, not happening. I'll take the secret to my grave."

"You're seriously not going to tell me?"

"Nope. I won't tell you why, just like I wouldn't tell Hugo why."

"What's Hugo got to do with this?"

"He made a comment and I snapped at him. He told me I should get laid and I told him that I had ended it with... anyway, Hugo wanted to know why but I told him to go fuck himself."

"There is something going on here."

"Going on where?"

"With you. There has to be a reason that you no longer need a friends with benefits. I mean, Elias had this girl and they would meet every once in a while, but then he met his ex-girlfriend and so he stopped seeing the other girls, so... wait! Have you met someone?"


"Ha! Gotcha! You were too quick to tell me no. Does the lady protest too much, perhaps?"


"Who is he? What's his name? Is he good to you?"


"C'mon, Soph! Tell me everything!"

"I'm not telling you anything."

"Why not?"

"Because there's nothing to tell."

"There must be something!"

"There really isn't."


"Look, Daniel, take a hint, ok? I am not telling you anything!"

"Why not? I'm your friend."

"Just... let it go."

"Fine, if you say so."

"I do."

"He better be good to you, that's all I'll say on the matter."


"So, what are you doing?"

"Right now?"


"Drinking wine and watching a DVD."

"What DVD?"

"The DUFF."

"The what?"

"Never mind, you wouldn't have heard of it."

"Is it any good?"

"It's an easy watch on a Friday night."

"How come you aren't out? I thought you'd be on your third or forth cocktail by now."

"Wanted an early night."

"Are you sick?"


"Are you sure?"



"Daniel, I am fine. Stop with the twenty questions."

"Ok, but... you don't sound like yourself."

"I'm tired."

"Is that all?"


"I don't believe you but ok, I'll let it slide."


"Just tell me this though- are you ok?"

"Yes. It's nothing that an extra hour in bed won't fix."

"Well, in that case, I'll not keep you-"

"You don't have to hang up, you know."

"I know, but if you're tired and you need your sleep, then I'll go. Need to make sure you're on your A-game."

"Haha, thanks."

"Feel better soon, ok?"

"I will be better by tomorrow."

"You better be, otherwise I'm coming over with a beer and pizza and we're watching Rocky."

"I don't like beer, or Rocky, but I can go for pizza."

"Sounds like a plan, Batman."

"Does indeed, Robin."

"Take care of yourself, Sophie."

"I will. Thanks, Daniel."

"No worries."

"Ok, well, love you, bye."

"Love you, bye, Soph."

"Hello?" Pt. 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant