February 11th, 2016

10.9K 808 49

"Hello, Sophie?"


"Um, hi."


"I have something to tell you and you have to promise not to shout."

"Ok, I promise."

"Right, uh, well... here's the thing, I uh..."

"You're not making sense. What's going on?"

"I may have- no wait, that's misleading because I know it definitely happened although I don't really remember doing it, but I kinda... well, you know how Tuesday was your birthday and we all went out and I was not in full possession of all my faculties-"

"That's just a fancy was of saying you were drunk. Cut to the chase, Daniel."

"See, here's the thing, in my phone it says I have a date on Saturday."

"A date?"


"With who? It better not be Charlotte! If it's my sister I will unfriend you right now!"

"It's not with Charlotte."


"Not him, either."

"Then who?"





"Your silence is killing me. Say something. Anything."

"I have to go.""


"You told me I wasn't allowed to shout at you. You made me promise that I wouldn't shout. Therefore, I am hanging up on you."

"Sophie, come on."

"Good bye, Daniel."


[Call ended]


"Hello?" Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now