July 2nd 2016

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For reasons I shall explain tomorrow (but is mainly soccer related!), I've had to switch my chapter days, but this is just a taster of what's to come. 

CONTEXT- This phone call happens at 23:48 NYC time NOT British time! It's July 2nd in the States, but would be very early morning in the UK.

Sarah, xx


<<This is a collect call from East Hampton Town Police Department. Please press ONE to collect the call.>>


"Samuel, I swear to God, if you've gone and got yourself arrested, I will disown you!"

"Uh... galeanthropy?"


"Hi, babe."

"Oh, Jesus fucking Christ. You're in a jail cell?"

"Umm, well, yes. But, on the upside, I'm not alone."

"Who else got arrested?"



"Me, Hugo, Charlotte, Brogan, Emma, Adam, Jasmine... Samuel."

"What did you all do?"

"That kinda varies between us all, to be honest."

"What did you get arrested for?"

"I'd really rather not say."


"It's a cause of contention."

"Soph! What. Did. You. Do?"

"Allegedly, I verbally insulted an officer of the law."



"What did Samuel do?"

"Public intoxication."

"Right. And you're calling me, why?"

"I'm envoking GALEANTHROPY."

"You want me to come over there and what? Bail you out of prison?"

"Not out of prison, just out of a custody holding cell."

"Fine. But you know there'll be a long wait, right? I'll need to book a flight and everything."

"Actually, that's all been sorted. If you go to Biggin Hill airport, my dad and Evie will meet you there, along with Philip Grey."

"Evie? What the hell is she doing there?"

"Samuel called her. Emma called Dad and Charlotte called PG. So... galeanthropy?"

"I'm on my way."

"Cool, that'll be-"

[Call diconnected]

&quot;Hello?&quot; Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now