March 7th 2016

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Lots of references to Paris tourist attractions. I'll include a photo of Les Catacombes at the end.

Sarah xx


"Bonsoir, my bitch."

"What do you want, Sophie? I thought I had made it perfectly clear that I did not want to speak to you!"

"Your words fell on deaf ears. And, c'mon, Daniel... do you really want me to believe that you don't want to talk to me?"

"After what you did, did you seriously think I'd want to talk to you?!"

"Stop being a Drama Queen, Daniel."

"Drama Queen? You took me into Les Catacombes, Sophie."

"So what?"

"It was an underground cemetery! With real human bones! Everywhere I turned, it was like, 'Oh, look. Another human skull!'"

"I told you it was un ossuaire. What did you expect?"

"I don't speak French, Sophie! How was I to know that un ossuaire was just a pretentious French way of saying an underground fucking cemetery?"

"You could have asked for a translation."

"I did! You said it was ossuary!"

"There we are then. It's not my fault you don't know what an ossuary is."

"God, I'm still trying to get rid of the smell of the damned place. Since I got back to London, do you know how many showers I have had? Too many!"

"Honestly, I don't get what the big deal is."

"Dead people! That's the big deal. The six million remains of dead people!"

"Oh, please. They've been dead for centuries."

"Not the point!"

"You're such a big baby."

"Six million dead people, Sophie!"

"Want to yell that a little louder. I don't think Japan quite heard you."

"I need another shower."

"Well, at least you liked everything else I showed you."

"Yeah, because they were the quintessential Paris touristy things to do. Les Catacombes is not touristy."

"For some people it is."

"Not for me. I'm never going back there."

"Really? Why not?"

"Because six million-"

"Yeah, yeah. Six million dead people, I get it. I was being sarcastic when I asked."

"I still think the point needs to be reiterated."

"Which one, exactly?"

"The six mil- Oh, I get it. You're being sarcastic again. Well, I'm glad my torment is of amusement to you."

"Only slightly amusing. For the majority, I'm finding this quite annoying."


"Yep, which is why I'm going to steer away from the conversation."

"How can you be so calm about the damned place?"

"Because I've been before."

"That's just... gross."

"Hello?" Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now