May 26th 2016

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Apologies for the late update! It's unedited because it's long and I'm too tired/lazy to read over it. Plus, I just desperately want to post it!

Sarah, xx



"Are you dead?"


"Don't try to be funny, Daniel. You fail. Miserably."


"So, are you in a better mood today?"

"Are you going to make any innuendos tonight?"

"Oh, that's a hard one."


"Ok, ok. I'm sorry. I couldn't resist. That'll be the last one, I promise."

"Pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise."


"So? Are you in a better mood today?"

"Yes. I've been dying to call you all day."

"Why didn't you then? I've been dying, waiting for you to call me!"

"You have?"

"Jasmine even took my phone from me!"

"She did?"

"Duh. Otherwise I would have phoned you hours ago. Look, Daniel, I'm really-"

"God, you're not going to apologise are you?"

"I was, but apparently I'm not any more."

"Why are you apologising?"

"I annoyed you yesterday."

"Babe, you didn't annoy me."

"But you hung up on me."

"Because you said the word 'hump!'"

"Not in that sense."

"Sophie, I'm so horny, you wouldn't believe."


"I know you're dying to laugh."

"I'm not."

"You are."

"Ok, I kinda am. You said 'horny.'"

"Yeah, like you wouldn't believe! God, when it is Thursday?!"


"I meant, next Thursday. Why couldn't your sister get married this weekend?"

"Right, because Emma would plan her wedding around you and your need to get laid."

"Laid? Ok, Soph, let's just get one thing clear. I do not want nor need to get laid. If that's what I was looking for, then I could easily go to a bar or a club on a Saturday night and satisfy that particular craving."

"I am seriously hoping there's a 'but' in here somewhere."

"But, like I said, that's not what I want or need. I want you and I need you. And it wouldn't even be a question of getting laid, it would be-"

"You're not going to say 'making love,' are you?"

"I was, but apparently I'm not any more."

"Hello?" Pt. 1Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat