A Tale from Two Cities

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For Allofthestars-234. Ask and you shall receive/ your wish is my command. Not sure if this is what you were looking for, but it's all I could come up with. So, I hope you like it. 

And here's the unedited update.

I've been having problems with Wattpad all day- it says the site is undergoing maintenance, so I'll time stamp this update, just in case. 

Sarah, xx

~*~*~ Elias ~*~*~

I was still eyeing up the boxes of clothes that girl with five colours in her hair brought to my office this morning, wondering what the hell Sophie Delaney was thinking. Blue suede shoes? That's a song, not a fashion statement. 

"Does she really expect me to wear this?" I ask, holding up a blue, purple and pink plaid shirt against my body. Dan looked up at me from behind his glasses and smirked. He nodded. "Are you sure that Sophie works in fashion? This shirt looks like Nola threw up all over it after eating a bag of Skittles."

I was half expecting Dan to frown in disgust at the comment about my vomiting daughter, but instead, he still had that stupid grin on his face from the mere mention of his... I'm not sure what Sophie really is to my pal any more, but she must mean a hell of a lot to him if he's grinning like the cat that got the cream just because I said her name. 

Their relationship is as fucked up as mine and Jenna's and that is some seriously fucked up shit. Jenna Braddock and I are the ultimate car crash couple. We met ten years ago through Dan and it was instant attraction. Blonde hair, blue eyes, legs that go on for days, Jenna was a Goddess. Our relationship was more up and down and had more twist and turns that a bloody roller-coaster. It was a miracle that we managed to semi-date exclusively for three years. 

Then Nola happened. Ok, it was a drunken Masters graduation night, and then Nola happened, but it's all the same. Our lives was over. 

I love Nola, truly I do, but would I change the whole situation if I could? Absolutely. It wasn't my finest hour getting Jenna pregnant and I knew it came as a huge disappointment to my very traditional parents, even more so when I refused to marry Jenna at their behest. Jenna and I were dysfunctional at the best of times, add a baby and a forced marriage that neither of us wanted, we'd end up murdering each other.

Under the right circumstances, I would have been married, or at the very least settled, before bringing a child into the world. I would have been madly in love with the mother of my child and in a position where we could offer our child love and protection and stability. I would have been there to put my child to bed,  hold her when she teethed and soothed her when she fell over and grazed her palms. I would have been a dad and not a part time father. 

As it stood, none of those things happened. Jenna and I were on a break when she found out she was pregnant. We were constantly fighting. Both of us were graduate trying to make a name for ourselves. I was happier going out and getting shit-faced on a Friday night rather than sitting at home bottle feeding a newborn. I wasn't cut out to be a dad at twenty-four. I was still a child myself and I was being put in charge of a child?! In what world did that make sense?

So, I flaked. I ran from my responsibilities and distanced myself from my baby girl, all because I was too selfish to even consider other people. I didn't even consider Jenna. She was twenty-four, too. She was just staring her career. She wasn't in a place to offer a child stability. She would much rather go out and have fun than having to nurse a newborn. But she did it. She was a mum, and she's a great one. Honestly, I can't fault her parenting skills. She took on her responsibilities with gusto and she made our daughter the perfect little girl she is.

"Hello?" Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now