January 12th, 2016 (Pt. 2)

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Part 2 of today's conversations. 《~~~ 》 ~ this shows where a third character is talking. Today, it's Sophie's assistant/intern, Rachel. Enjoy, Sarah xx
P.S- Still have no idea who my version of Sophie is! Ideas? On the other hand, Bailey Noble is my Rachel. (She's the one ^^^, <<<, >>>, vvv, or where ever.)


《Sophie Clermonts phone. This is Rachel McKinley speaking.》

"Sophie Clément, I think you mean."

《Oh, yes, that's right. I can't seem to get my tongue around French words.》

"Ditto. I take it Sophie isn't around to take my call."

《She's just stepped out of the office for a moment. I'm sure she'll be back shortly. May I take a message?》

"Oh, ok. Could you let Sophie know that Daniel Whitaker called. If she has time, tell her to call me back."

《Daniel... Whitaker. Ok, I'll let her know as soon as she returns.》

"Thank you. Are you Rachel, the intern assisting Sophie?"

《Yes, although I get the distinct feeling that she doesn't like me.》

"While that is probably true, take the advice I'm about to give you- next time she sends you on a coffee trip to Café Nero, tell her to go fuck herself."

《I can't do that. I'll get fired.》

"You won't. If you do, call Goldman-Sadler-Thorpe and ask for Daniel Whitaker.  I'll be happy to give you a job as my assistant."

《Thanks for the offer, but I like working in fashion.》

"Even working for Sophie Clément?"

《Especially for her. She's revered in the fashion industry.》

"You say that but all I hear is the slight tremor in your voice when you mention her."

《She's revered and feared in equal measures.》

"I bet she is. Well, ask her to call-"

《Mr Whitaker, Miss Clément has just-》

"Who are you on the phone to, Rachel?"

《A Mr Whitaker for you.》




"Daniel? Why are you talking to my intern?"

"First off, 'hello' to you too. Secondly, she answered your phone."

"Hold on a second- Never answer my phone again. Leave. - What do you want, Daniel?"

"When was the last time you had a coffee?"

"Good point. - Rachel! Go get me an espresso from Café Nero. What? - Daniel, did you by any chance give Rachel a pep talk?"

"Not only that, but I offered her a job at Goldman-Sadler-Thorpe."


"My law firm."

"Don't poach my staff!"

"Don't treat them like they are your slave."

"I can't any more. Rachel told me to go get it myself."

&quot;Hello?&quot; Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now