April 19th 2016

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Short (unedited) conversation tonight.

Just a heads up- I post (like I did with YH1NM) on the day/ date of the chapter. Wattpad, I think, is having some glitches, because I'm not getting all my notifications. Someone will have posted a comment, but I won't have been notified (thank God for e-mail notifications!) Please don't think that I'm not posting every day because I am. 

For now, I will time stamp each update (GMT time). Let me know if there are any delays.

Sarah, xx


"How was the bad?"

"They were good. Really good, actually. Not exactly Macklemore, but I liked them."

"What were they called?"

"Tuesday Goes Wild. They're an English band so I'm not sure how Brogan heard about them. They have a great song called Small Nothings."

"So, you and Brogan- you enjoyed?"

"Yeah. So did Hugo and Jasmine."

"Jasmine went with you too?"

"She tagged along. I'm not sure who was more taken with her- Brogan or Hugo."

"They both like her?"

"She's very likeable. If I was her, I'd go for Brogan."

"Because you like him?"

"No. Because Hugo is Hugo. He sleeps around and he's never in one place for long enough. Hugo and I are the same, it seems. We're not made for relationships."

"Don't say that."

"Why not? It's the truth, isn't it?"


"How's Alfie?"

"He's good. Been a bit mopey this past week, but I think he's ok. We went to the dog walking park yesterday so he could see his friends. We're going out again tonight."

"And how is work?"

"Same old, same old."

"What about Sam, Evie and Connie?"

"Samuel is fine. He's joining us for our poker night this week. Evie is still here, still making sure I don't misbehave. OH, my grandmother keeps going on and on about that dress of hers. Or, is it yours? I'm so confused. It's been dry cleaned and restored and it's ready for you to pick up whenever you're in town next."

"I'm not sure if I can accept the dress any longer."


"Because... when she offered it to me, things were different."

"Well, you're sadly mistaken if you think she'll let you give it back. It's being held for you at some place called William Vintage. Or is that his name?"

"William Vintage in Marylebone? His name is William Banks-Blaney and he's a Godsend in all things vintage fashion in London."

"That would explain why the dress is with him. He's trying to buy it from my grandmother but she's too stubborn. Plus, she has her heart set on you inheriting it. That is, if you're willing to accept it."


"Look, if I go and tell her this, she'll only guilt trip you into taking it. 'It's my dying wish,' kind of blackmail."

"Dying? Is she ok? Has something happened to Connie?"

"She's fine. I wouldn't put anything past her though. She wants you to have it, so you better take it."

"I'll call William in a few minutes and let him know when I'm available to pick the dress up."

"Ok, I'll let my Grandmother-"

"No, don't. I'd, uh... I'd like to call her myself and thank her. Personally."

"If you're sure."

"I am. I owe it to Connie."

"I'm sure she'd really like that. She's forever asking after you whenever I talk to her."

"I should get on the phone to her, then."

"What, now?"


"So, does that mean this conversation is over?"



"What's the problem?"

"Nothing. It's just... a short conversation, that's all."


"Never mind."

"Ok, well, I better go."

"Sure. Later, alligator."

"Good bye, Daniel."



Look again at how the call ends. What's the difference/problem?

Sarah xx

19:06 GMT 

"Hello?" Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now