May 17th 2016

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Unedited. Sorry it's short, guys. I'm feeling really unwell, so I can't write much more than this tonight. Sorry! Posting, and then going to straight to bed... glamorous, huh?

Sarah, xx


"You hold an English degree from Oxford."

"And you have a law degree from KCL."

"No, I mean, you're qualified to answer something for me."



"Wait, I'm not done basking in the glory that you need my help."

"Soph, this is important."

"Fine, ask away." 

"Have you ever heard of the word 'conversate?'"


"Why do you know this?"

"Because I have an English degree from Oxford."

"What does it even mean?!"

"It's a really twattish way of saying 'converse.' Why are you even asking?"

"My boss came in this morning and-"

"Boss? You have a boss?"

"Of course I have a boss."

"I just can't imagine you with a boss, that's all."

"I have a boss, and I have Evelyn. I have two bosses. But I'm talking about my boss-boss."

"What about your boss-boss?"

"He came down this morning, wanting to conversate."


"About the fact that I have a famous girlfriend."

"But you don't have a girlfriend."

"He was talking about you."

"Ah. Oh!"

"Yeah, that was my reaction too."

"But I'm not even your girlfriend."

"That's what I said."


"He didn't believe me."

"What did he want to conversate about? Apart from me."

"Well, it was all about you. He was asking about our 'relationship' status, how long we'd been 'dating' and if I had any intention of marrying you."

"Out of interest, what were your answers?"

"I said that we were very serious, had been for several months and I have every intention of marrying you."

"Nice to know I have a choice in the matter."

"Even if you had a choice, you'd still choose me."

"Conceited, aren't you?"

"No, just right."

"Well, you can take your 'right' and shove it up where the sun doesn't shine."

"Not feeling the love tonight, Soph."

"Nor will you any other night. Now, is that all?"


"Jasmine and I have work to finish."

"Oh, God! No, not the 'J' word!"

"She strikes fear into everyone."

"That she does. Well, if you've got work to do, I'll leave you go."

"Haha, thanks. I'm really sorry I have to run off on you, though."

"It's ok,Soph. I'm used to it, anyway."

"Yeah, but you shouldn't have to be."

"I know a way you can make it up to me."


"What are you wearing?"

"Good bye, baboon."

"Later, 'gator."


"Hello?" Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now