May 8th 2016

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Unedited. Obviously.

Clue: Pinocchio. 

Anyway, sorry for a late update. I got sidetracked watching the TV BAFTAs here in the UK. But here it is finally! I know you're all wondering if/when I'll post Sophie's article about Daniel, and I promise I will post it. I need to finish writing it first, though!

Brief A/N at the end! Until then, enjoy. (FYI, 3rd character this evening is Elias.)

Sarah xx 

Oh, I found this video! This is the weird dynamics that I feel Sophie and Daniel have. (Plus side- the guy in this video is the actor I chose for Daniel! This is totally how I imagine Daniel sounds!) The video starts at the 1 minute mark, so skip ahead!


"We need to talk."

"Those are the four most hated words in the English language."

"Tell me about it."

"Right, let's get this over with."

"It's about Alfie."

"Alfie? The dog?"

"Why, how many Alfie's do you know?"

"In the context of you and I, just the doggy Alfie. But, that's not what I meant. I mean, you want to talk about the dog? Not us?"

"Mainly but it  kinda involves you and I."

"Is he sick?"

"No, Alfie's doing great. It's more about ownership."

"Right... I'm sorry, I don't understand."

"Well, it's... -What the hell is that?"

<<This? It's a jewelled encrusted doggy collar.>>

"-Elias, why the hell do you have a jewelled encrusted doggy collar?-"

<<Because Nola wanted to get Alfie an engagement ring. This is the closest to bling the dog is going to get. Why, you don't like it?>>

"-I have no idea what to think right now.-"

<<Fair enough. I can put it on Alfie, though, can't I? Nola will pitch a fit if I don't.>>

"-Knock yourself out.- Sophie, you there?"

"What is going on? Why did Nola want to get Alfie an engagement ring?"

"Don't ask. Trust me. But, this is kinda what I wanted to talk to you about."

"About a jewelled encrusted doggy collar?"

"No, about Nola and Alfie."

"I'm confused, but continue."

"Nola loves Alfie."


"And every free time she's got, she wants to hang out with him."


"So... I talked to Elias."


"About the possibility of Elias adopting Alfie. For Nola."

&quot;Hello?&quot; Pt. 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang