June 30th 2016

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Ah, the return of Hugo!

Sarah, xx



"Why are you whispering?"

"I think someone is trying to break in to my house."


"Someone is breaking in to my house!"

"Then why the hell are you calling me? Dial 9-1-1!"


"Sophie, if you think someone is breaking and entering, you phone the fucking police!"

"Don't shout at me! And for your information, I was calling to check that it wasn't you. I've got a baseball bat at hand and I didn't want to smash in your beautiful face."

"I'm touched, but I'm in London. Soph, hang up and phone the police, will you?"

"Yeah, in a minute."


"Just, shh, for a second. I'm going downstairs."

"Oh, God. This sounds like a horror movie."

"Just... wait a second."

"Sophie, do not go face-to-face with an intruder!"

"Mhm, ok."

"I can hear your footsteps on the stairs, Sophie."










"Sophie, what is it? What's wrong? Sophie, are you ok?"

"-Putain! Qu'est que tu fais ici?-"

"French? Ok, that's a good sign. French means someone you know."

"-Je vais te tuer! Tu es un homme mort!-"

"Who is it?"

"Daniel, babe, I have to go. I need to kill Hugo and bury his body in Central Park, or dump it in the Hudson river."

"Hugo's there?"



"I'm not sure, he hasn't answered that question yet. I think he's still trying to get over the fact that I took a baseball bat to his crown jewels."

"You hit him there?"

"In my defence, I didn't know it was him and he really shouldn't be using his key without giving me any prior warning. It's his fault."

"Hugo has a key to your house?"


"I don't."


"I don't have a key to your house."

"I don't have one for yours either."

"Fair point. I'll get one cut for you."


"Mi casa es su casa."

"What about nuestra casa?"

"I don't know what that means."

"Our house."

"We don't have a house."

"I know."

"... Wait, are you suggesting we get a house? Together?"

"I mean... eventually."

"Why don't you move in with me?"

"Why don't you move in with me?"

"Right, gotcha. My place is my place, and your place is your place, but our place is our place."




"What did he just say? It sounded like mayday."

"He said, 'help me.' Incidentally, that's where the term mayday comes from. 'Tis French in origin."

"Interesting, but don't you think you should help Hugo?"

"No, he'll be fine."


"Well... maybe not. He seems to be crying in pain."

"Then hang up and help your friend."

"Fine. I will."

"Good. Je t'aime, Sophie."

"Je t'aime, aussi, Daniel."

"Take care of Hugo."

"I'm not making any promises."

"Au revoir."

"À bientôt."



And... we're half way through our story!! Six months down, six more to go!

Sarah, xx

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