April 24th 2016

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"Good afternoon."


"How'd it go today? I'm guessing you survived the marathon."

"Barely. It was ok, I guess. The toughest one yet, I think. My body will hate me tomorrow, for sure."

"Did you manage a sub three?"

"Two fifty-eight forty-three."

"Two hours, fifty eight minutes and forty three seconds? How fast do you run?!"

"Apparently, almost nine miles an hour."

"Did you just work that out in your head?"

"Lucas told me."

"You're family were there?"

"Everyone except for Emma because she's still in NYC. A few others were there supporting me too."

"Like who?"

"Um, Hugo's. Jasmine, Elias, Nola, Kizzy."

"Hold up. Elias and Nola were with you?"

"Nola kinda insisted she come so Elias promised to bring her."

"Elias? Are we seriously talking about my best friend here? That Elias?"

"The very same. He's actually really good with Nola."

"Yeah, but for how long?"

"Give him a chance, he might surprise you."

"Maybe. Where are you now?"

"Home. We're having a barbecue."

"A barbecue?"

"Well, kinda. Dad is barbecuing outside but we're all eating inside. It's a little too cold to actually barbecue. Plus, all I want to do is snuggle up on the sofa and rest."

"I wish I could be there, Soph...Sophie."

"Maybe next year. In the mean time, I'm getting loads and loads and loads of cuddles from Nola- aren't I, kiddo?-"

"Nola gives great hugs."

"Oh, I know."

<<Tell Dan that I'm saying hello.>>

"-I will- Did you hear her?"

"Yes, I heard her. Tell her I say 'hi' back."

"-He says 'hi' to you, too.- So, how did it go yesterday with Carla?"

"Clara, you mean?"

"Are you sure her name isn't Carla?"

"Pretty sure she's Clara."

"Right, well how did it go with her, then?"

"It went fine."

"That bad, huh?"

"It wasn't bad."

"But you didn't say it went good, either."

"How did your afternoon with my grandmother go? Samuel mentioned that you were there until at least four pm."

"It was... good. Jasmine and I learnt a lot from Connie, actually."

"My brother mentioned that she was in a really happy mood after you left."

"I'd imagine she would be."

"Ok, what the hell is going on with you two?"

"What do you mean?"

"She practically summoned you to Wiltshire and you don't think to elaborate why you went all the way there?"

"It's none of your concern. It's just between Connie and I. And Jasmine."

"It doesn't concern me?!"

"Not really, no."

"I think it does."

"Unless Connie told you what it's about, then you don't need to know about it."

"Fine, don't tell me."

"I won't."

"You're infuriating."

"Me? I'm infuriating?!"

"Kinda, yeah."

"Oh, no, you did not just say that!"

"I think I did."

<<Daddy? Uncle Dan and Auntie Sophie are fighting on the phone again!>>

"What did Nola just call you?"

"Auntie Sophie. Why, do you have a problem with that?"

"... No."

"There we are then."

"I just don't think that it's a good idea for her to get attached to you, that's all."

"Why not?"

"Because she, you know, might get attached."


"Well, it's not good. You might leave."

"I might leave?"

"Arabella did."

"What has Arabella got to do with it?"

"All I'm saying is that... I don't want Nola getting hurt, that's all."



"Oh, I get it."

"I don't want her to see someone else walk out on her life, that's all."

"Well, whether you like it or not, I'm here to stay."

"You are?"

"For Nola, yes."

"Right. For Nola."

"Why, who were you talking about?"

"Nola. Obviously."


"I'm gonna leave you to it. You probably need to rest and what not."


"In a while, crocodile."




"Please say it back."

"See you soon, baboon."

"Baboon? Well, that's a new one."

"Mixing it up a little."

"Ok. Well, I have no comeback for that."

"Bye, Daniel."

"Bye, Sophie. Oh, and congratulations on today."


"Ok, bye."




I would have posted this sooner, but I had friends come over and lost track of time.

I don't have much to say apart from that! I think the notification glitches have been solved, but I'll continue to time-stamp the updates for a while. 

Sarah, xx


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